43 yo female, found to have deltaF508 and G1069R during a genetic screen for family planning. so far, negative chest x-ray, excellent FEV, negative sweat test 14 and 16. i had to get the Sweat test done at a CF center so now I am on their radar. they had me do a CT scan of the chest. I just did it today. I am frightened they will find something. is it possible to find something awful on a chest CT after getting a negative chest X ray? I realize they are more sensitive. I do have a hx of upper respiratory tract infections and have had like 3 bouts of known bronchitis in life time (enough that it caused me symptoms) there could have been other bouts i dont know about. I walk up 9 flights of stairs and get out of breath but recover. I do notice that i get out of breath when talking for long periods- leaving a long voicemail, i seem to have to breath more frequently than most between sentences. that's the only significant shortness of breath i have noticed. Is it possible to have bronchiecstatis without significant symptoms? scared of results of this CT scan