scared of iv


New member
I am 33, and still in very good health. My last hospital stay since being a kid was in 2000 with pneun. (my fault actually, as I convinced myself that I just had a cold and never called the doctor about it). That was my first experince with a PIC line and home IV (twice in 6 mo.). The second IV was a very bad experience all the way around, and has made me very wary of future IVs.

Anyway, my PFTs have been going down more than up lately, and my doctor has told me that if they don't improve by my next visist that I may need to do IV drugs. While I am willing to have the IV to stay healthy, my concern is that once it's in, my doctor will never want to take it out. He can be very vague on the length of treatment (yes, I know it depends on how well the body responds to the treatment), and I am wondering how long any of you have had to do IVs for?

I have increased my nebs, so I am hoping that my PFTs will be up, but I know that I will have to deal with this issue at some point in my life. Thanks for your feedback,

Barb 33 w/cf


New member
What happened with the second IV? I'm only asking 'cause it might help to talk about it; maybe others have had a similar experience. =-)


New member
For those that have already read this, I have edited out the details of my second IV - while it was not fun, it didn't directly relate to the question I am truely asking, which is: for those of you on home ivs or have had home ivs, what is the average length of time you were on them?

Thank you to the posts I received regarding the now deleted details. I am a very stubborn girl, and will have no problem getting the next iv done right! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The only advice I can give you is keep asking the doc questions, make him tell you things. If he gives a vague answer tell him thats not good enough.
The other thing is insist that a certified surgeon or radiologist (yes they do PICCs) do the iv even if you have to wait a few days. Explain that you are not ever going to go through that again. Also ask for emla cream it helps numb the area before they start it takes a while to start working but it helps some. And if you think you might have panic problems tell your doc and he could prescibe some valium or something before the procedure.
I have had some bad experiences too but non like that. It is scary after something like that happens and hard to get over. But you can do it and get through it.


New member
Also, along with asking for certified people to do your IVs, you can request that the same guy who did the last one does the new ones. When I had PICC lines, I always requested this woman named Hannah who did an *awesome* job, and if she was anywhere in the building, they'd wait for her to come to do mine. I had a similar, though not quite as bad experience, with one old woman who tried to do my PICC and was an imbecile. She was complaining about how my veins were too smal and blah blah blah (which is unusual, because even if they're small, they are VERY easy to get to, you can see them right through the skin, big and bright). After she poked me a few times to no avail, Hannah came in and got it done in a matter of 5-10 minutes. So needless to say, I never had that old woman again. And I always requested Hannah. Hannah wasn't always in, but the only lady who ever gave me trouble was the old one. There was another two women (who worked together, they were a cool pair) whose names I don't remember. Once when Hannah wasn't in, the pair did my PICC and they did as good a job as Hannah.

Just be pushy. Make sure they understand you don't want certain people doing it, make sure they seem to know what they're doing, etc. If they brush you off, do NOT let them touch you. You have EVERY RIGHT to know what's going on and to be in charge of who does what to you. If they're vague and won't tell you anything better, tell them not to touch you, to leave and get their boss, or whoever. If they try to tell you you're fine and they know what you're doing, and to just let them do it (especially if they start to get attitude), tell them, effectively, to piss off.


New member
My first iv (PICC line) was in for 3 months, the second for 2 (before I had it taken out). I have a feeling that if I went back on ivs, that I would be getting them for longer (although I think PICCs are only good for a year?). I don't see my doctor til next week, but I hate the thought of having an iv in my arm for a year (this is me thinking the worst). I'll gladly take it to stay healthy, but they are so expensive and I get very paranoid about people bumping me or that the tubing is going to get caught on something.

I think I've come to grips with it over the last couple of weeks, however, so I'm not as worried anymore. What's a few more scars - they add character <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
You can always take the jump and get a port. It stays under the skin and mostly out of sight until you need it accessed with a needle. It is usually placed on your upper chest. Mine is on my lower left chest. It can last for years and needs to be flushed once a month if you dont use it. Needles are changed once a week when inuse. But keep in mind this does require surgery. There are risk to it. Talk to your doctor about your options. I got one because I was in the hospital or on at home IVs multiple times (2-5 times) per year for a total of 6yrs. My last hospital IV stay was in mar 04 before a surgery for a tune-up. I had my port replaced in mar 05 after 7 good years. My IV treatments usually last 2-3 weeks. I have had PICC lines and though they were good, my arm usually got really sore and I couldn't wait to get it out. I, personally, wanted something less restricting, plus I was running out of veins for PICCs.


New member
can you really have a picc for a year? just reading that suprised me, before my port i never had one longer than a month.

and in regards to your picc i agree with what everyone else has said- make sure you ask plenty of questions and dont let them do anything if you dont feel comfortable.

Hayley (new on here, will get a login soon!) 21