scared to death


New member
My mom had this bump or pimple like thing come up right below her lip about 3 weeks ago and in that short time, it's has gotten really big. My dad, aunts, and I have been begging her to go to the doctor. Well, we finally forced her to go and she found out today she has skin cancer. The biospy will be back Friday or Monday to let us know what course of action they are going to take. At first I wasn't too scared, but then I looked it up and found out that if it's on your lips or ears, it most likely to spread to they lymph nodes or other organs. It is squamous cell carcinoma. I'm really worried and scared. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


New member
My mom had this bump or pimple like thing come up right below her lip about 3 weeks ago and in that short time, it's has gotten really big. My dad, aunts, and I have been begging her to go to the doctor. Well, we finally forced her to go and she found out today she has skin cancer. The biospy will be back Friday or Monday to let us know what course of action they are going to take. At first I wasn't too scared, but then I looked it up and found out that if it's on your lips or ears, it most likely to spread to they lymph nodes or other organs. It is squamous cell carcinoma. I'm really worried and scared. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


New member
My mom had this bump or pimple like thing come up right below her lip about 3 weeks ago and in that short time, it's has gotten really big. My dad, aunts, and I have been begging her to go to the doctor. Well, we finally forced her to go and she found out today she has skin cancer. The biospy will be back Friday or Monday to let us know what course of action they are going to take. At first I wasn't too scared, but then I looked it up and found out that if it's on your lips or ears, it most likely to spread to they lymph nodes or other organs. It is squamous cell carcinoma. I'm really worried and scared. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


New member

I am so sorry to hear that...will definately keep your mom in mind...remember to have faith in God. Sometimes God allows things to happen for a reason that only he knows. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will come out fine.

God Bless.


New member

I am so sorry to hear that...will definately keep your mom in mind...remember to have faith in God. Sometimes God allows things to happen for a reason that only he knows. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will come out fine.

God Bless.


New member

I am so sorry to hear that...will definately keep your mom in mind...remember to have faith in God. Sometimes God allows things to happen for a reason that only he knows. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will come out fine.

God Bless.


Staff member
My dad had this on his forehead, cheek and nose -- granted, it wasn't on his ears or lips, but once they removed the lesions (and surrounding tissue), he was fine. Hopefully she'll be fine, too!


Staff member
My dad had this on his forehead, cheek and nose -- granted, it wasn't on his ears or lips, but once they removed the lesions (and surrounding tissue), he was fine. Hopefully she'll be fine, too!


Staff member
My dad had this on his forehead, cheek and nose -- granted, it wasn't on his ears or lips, but once they removed the lesions (and surrounding tissue), he was fine. Hopefully she'll be fine, too!


New member
Hey don't worry wemon these days are getting skin cancer i wouldn't worry that much. They will fix her no prob. See my step mom died of lukiemea if thats how you spell it lol back in august of 05. So i wouldn't worry that much about skin cancer they can fix it. they prob found it at an early stage so don't worry too much She will be fine keep us posted alright good luck.

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
Hey don't worry wemon these days are getting skin cancer i wouldn't worry that much. They will fix her no prob. See my step mom died of lukiemea if thats how you spell it lol back in august of 05. So i wouldn't worry that much about skin cancer they can fix it. they prob found it at an early stage so don't worry too much She will be fine keep us posted alright good luck.

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
Hey don't worry wemon these days are getting skin cancer i wouldn't worry that much. They will fix her no prob. See my step mom died of lukiemea if thats how you spell it lol back in august of 05. So i wouldn't worry that much about skin cancer they can fix it. they prob found it at an early stage so don't worry too much She will be fine keep us posted alright good luck.

Christina 18 w/cf


New member
I recently had a cancer scare myself so I can relate to your fears...

You and your family are in my prayers!

Keep us updated!


New member
I recently had a cancer scare myself so I can relate to your fears...

You and your family are in my prayers!

Keep us updated!


New member
I recently had a cancer scare myself so I can relate to your fears...

You and your family are in my prayers!

Keep us updated!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>tapia</b></i>


I am so sorry to hear that...will definately keep your mom in mind...remember to have faith in God. Sometimes God allows things to happen for a reason that only he knows. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will come out fine.

God Bless.</end quote></div>


I received a private message about my post. I don't know your religious background but I assumed that you believed in God. I should have not assumed. I am sorry if i said anything to offend you or anyone else on this forum. I will be sure to watch what I post to not offend anyone when it comes down to religious beliefs.

Again, I will be sure to keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>tapia</b></i>


I am so sorry to hear that...will definately keep your mom in mind...remember to have faith in God. Sometimes God allows things to happen for a reason that only he knows. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will come out fine.

God Bless.</end quote></div>


I received a private message about my post. I don't know your religious background but I assumed that you believed in God. I should have not assumed. I am sorry if i said anything to offend you or anyone else on this forum. I will be sure to watch what I post to not offend anyone when it comes down to religious beliefs.

Again, I will be sure to keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.