School air quality


New member
Have you ever inquired about your child's school's air quality? If so, could you tell me about the process you went through.


New member
Have you ever inquired about your child's school's air quality? If so, could you tell me about the process you went through.


New member
Have you ever inquired about your child's school's air quality? If so, could you tell me about the process you went through.


New member
I have wondered about the same thing. Have you had your home checked? I'm not sure the process but I have been wanting to for a while. I'm not sure where I would begin. I have become quite the eco/organic hippy (as my friends call me lately).


New member
I have wondered about the same thing. Have you had your home checked? I'm not sure the process but I have been wanting to for a while. I'm not sure where I would begin. I have become quite the eco/organic hippy (as my friends call me lately).


New member
I have wondered about the same thing. Have you had your home checked? I'm not sure the process but I have been wanting to for a while. I'm not sure where I would begin. I have become quite the eco/organic hippy (as my friends call me lately).