School setting - para pro needs help


New member
I am a para-pro in a public school that works with a child with CF. Can anyone help me with my questions. I am having a difficult time find answers to these probably way to general questions.

I am looking for information on CF within the school environment. Can you help me? First, how does the environment effect students with CF does dust, classrooms pets, etc., have negative effects.

Secondly, what can I do when they are having a coughing bout. I know this is good for their lungs, should they sit, walk around, try getting them to relax, etc.?

What are things to look for when the student is not feeling well?

Should the school know about side effects of medicines the student is taking?

Thank you for your help


New member
I am a para-pro in a public school that works with a child with CF. Can anyone help me with my questions. I am having a difficult time find answers to these probably way to general questions.

I am looking for information on CF within the school environment. Can you help me? First, how does the environment effect students with CF does dust, classrooms pets, etc., have negative effects.

Secondly, what can I do when they are having a coughing bout. I know this is good for their lungs, should they sit, walk around, try getting them to relax, etc.?

What are things to look for when the student is not feeling well?

Should the school know about side effects of medicines the student is taking?

Thank you for your help


New member
Hello, Shel. I know there is an artile out there somewhere specifically dealing with CF kids in the school setting, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website, and they have some information on there.
The thing is, each person with cystic fibrosis is different. The severity of the disease as well as the symptoms can vary, so it is difficult to answer your questions without knowing the person. Mysef, i've never found things like dust or pets to be a problem, but smoke is always definetely a problem, especially cigarette smoke. I doubt there is anyone that smokes in the school, but even just the smell of cigarette smoke can be bothersome.
As far a coughing goes, the child should be able to leave the class whenever he/she needs to. When we cough, we usually spit stuff up, so it is good for the child to be able to get outside, or into a bathroom where he/she can spit. As far as getting them to sit or whatever, there's really nothing that can stop coughing, and nothing that can make it more comfortable that I know of.
Have you been able to talk with the parents? That would be a good idea, and also get the phone number for the CF clinic that the child goes to. They will be able to give you a LOT better answers than I ever could. =-) I would also consider talking to the child. CF affects us socially as well as physically, so find out what he/she would like to be done. I'm very glad to see that you are taking the time to find out more about cystic fibrosis. I think that in itself will help out the child a lot.

Now, i just have one stupid question. =-) What is a para-pro? I've never heard that term before! Take care.

22 w/cf


New member
Hello, Shel. I know there is an artile out there somewhere specifically dealing with CF kids in the school setting, but I can't seem to find it. Anyway, is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation website, and they have some information on there.
The thing is, each person with cystic fibrosis is different. The severity of the disease as well as the symptoms can vary, so it is difficult to answer your questions without knowing the person. Mysef, i've never found things like dust or pets to be a problem, but smoke is always definetely a problem, especially cigarette smoke. I doubt there is anyone that smokes in the school, but even just the smell of cigarette smoke can be bothersome.
As far a coughing goes, the child should be able to leave the class whenever he/she needs to. When we cough, we usually spit stuff up, so it is good for the child to be able to get outside, or into a bathroom where he/she can spit. As far as getting them to sit or whatever, there's really nothing that can stop coughing, and nothing that can make it more comfortable that I know of.
Have you been able to talk with the parents? That would be a good idea, and also get the phone number for the CF clinic that the child goes to. They will be able to give you a LOT better answers than I ever could. =-) I would also consider talking to the child. CF affects us socially as well as physically, so find out what he/she would like to be done. I'm very glad to see that you are taking the time to find out more about cystic fibrosis. I think that in itself will help out the child a lot.

Now, i just have one stupid question. =-) What is a para-pro? I've never heard that term before! Take care.

22 w/cf


New member
Thank you for your help Jarod. I was under the impression that what you said was true, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Unfortunately, the parent feel we should find the information rather than giving the information to the school. Thank you for the idea of contacting the clinic.

A para-professional is an over educated aide. I have a BA in business administration and AS in computer information system, but with kids did not want to work 8-5. So, I opted for education without an education degree, but beter hours.



New member
Thank you for your help Jarod. I was under the impression that what you said was true, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Unfortunately, the parent feel we should find the information rather than giving the information to the school. Thank you for the idea of contacting the clinic.

A para-professional is an over educated aide. I have a BA in business administration and AS in computer information system, but with kids did not want to work 8-5. So, I opted for education without an education degree, but beter hours.



New member

I am a parent. My daughter is 8 and has CF. I just want to say how refreshing it is to hear how concerned you are and how you would like to be educated. Our school is very understanding and accomodating with her CF.

I agree with Jarrod. I would talk to the student to see how they feel. I know with my daughter, her teachers give her very liberal bathroom privileges. Also if they are on a coughing jag let them leave the room for a drink if that is what they want to do as not to embarrass them.

I know when Rachel is not feeling well she looks more tired in her eyes than usual and is not as peppy.

I dont think dust or classroom pets would bother the child. As far as the meds and side effects go probably not necessary to know because they are on them forever so if there were side effects probably would have already had them.

Our clinic is also very helpful. They give out books for us to give the teachers and also a brief letter describing the disease. This seems to be very helpful for the teachers. Also I know our social worker is always more than willing to meet with the teachers or school to talk with them and answer any questions. I dont know how involved the parents are but they might be helpful also.

Hope this helps. There need to be more teachers out there like you.



New member

I am a parent. My daughter is 8 and has CF. I just want to say how refreshing it is to hear how concerned you are and how you would like to be educated. Our school is very understanding and accomodating with her CF.

I agree with Jarrod. I would talk to the student to see how they feel. I know with my daughter, her teachers give her very liberal bathroom privileges. Also if they are on a coughing jag let them leave the room for a drink if that is what they want to do as not to embarrass them.

I know when Rachel is not feeling well she looks more tired in her eyes than usual and is not as peppy.

I dont think dust or classroom pets would bother the child. As far as the meds and side effects go probably not necessary to know because they are on them forever so if there were side effects probably would have already had them.

Our clinic is also very helpful. They give out books for us to give the teachers and also a brief letter describing the disease. This seems to be very helpful for the teachers. Also I know our social worker is always more than willing to meet with the teachers or school to talk with them and answer any questions. I dont know how involved the parents are but they might be helpful also.

Hope this helps. There need to be more teachers out there like you.



New member
I agree with the last post regarding unlimited bathroom passes, because of the digestive component of CF, there were many times that as a child I had to go the bathroom & really didn't want to go at the normal bathroom breaks, because of embarassment & kids asking "what's taking so long", etc, so I would always ask to go during class & then I would go to the bathroom when I could be there by myself. So, depending on the child's age, this may be something to keep in mind.
Also, leaving class when they cough, if they so desire is good too.
Thanks for being so caring to ask these questions!


New member
I agree with the last post regarding unlimited bathroom passes, because of the digestive component of CF, there were many times that as a child I had to go the bathroom & really didn't want to go at the normal bathroom breaks, because of embarassment & kids asking "what's taking so long", etc, so I would always ask to go during class & then I would go to the bathroom when I could be there by myself. So, depending on the child's age, this may be something to keep in mind.
Also, leaving class when they cough, if they so desire is good too.
Thanks for being so caring to ask these questions!


New member
Being able to leave the class whenever needed is a very good idea. One year I was doing a french exam and they sat me in the sun were I could get nice and warm and then I couldn't stop coughing. I couldn't get a drink cause it was an exam, even if someone went with me. So basically I rushed through my exam cause not only was I irritating myself I was irritating the people around me. I wasn't about to scream in the middle of the exam that I had CF and I wasn't going to stop any time soon. Just something to keep in mind. That was the worse exam for me, I even think some of the teachers I had knew I had CF too.

Ashley 20 w/ cf


New member
Being able to leave the class whenever needed is a very good idea. One year I was doing a french exam and they sat me in the sun were I could get nice and warm and then I couldn't stop coughing. I couldn't get a drink cause it was an exam, even if someone went with me. So basically I rushed through my exam cause not only was I irritating myself I was irritating the people around me. I wasn't about to scream in the middle of the exam that I had CF and I wasn't going to stop any time soon. Just something to keep in mind. That was the worse exam for me, I even think some of the teachers I had knew I had CF too.

Ashley 20 w/ cf


New member
OMG I have so many of those coughing fits in exams stories!! Its SO embarrasing and you know everyone is annoyed at you cause well...its annoying lol. Yes, letting the child leave during a coughing attack is good. Nothing really stops an attack and its so much healthier for them to get it out. But rather than saying "(name) do you need a drink of water" let them know they can just excuse themselves cause they will probably already be embarrased about coughing and dont want any more attention directed toward them.


New member
OMG I have so many of those coughing fits in exams stories!! Its SO embarrasing and you know everyone is annoyed at you cause well...its annoying lol. Yes, letting the child leave during a coughing attack is good. Nothing really stops an attack and its so much healthier for them to get it out. But rather than saying "(name) do you need a drink of water" let them know they can just excuse themselves cause they will probably already be embarrased about coughing and dont want any more attention directed toward them.