This is the only clinic we have gone to, so I don't have anything to compare to but we are happy here. At first we had some reservations, but looking back I think it was us mainly being scared, shocked, and overwhelmed new parents to a newborn just diagnosed w/ CF. I love that I can call/email any of the CF team nurses/docs/RT, etc with questions, concerns, RX refills...and they get back to me within the same day. They are very pro-active and aggressive with his treatments, and always listen to our opinions and take them into consideration. When our son was hospitalized, I had to be "mama bear" many times w/ some of the nurses and doctors who weren't familiar w/ our son and his CF team was there to stand behind us. His pulmonologist even gave me his cell number to call him if anything came up when he wasn't at the hospital. They truly care for their patients and want the best treatments for them.