Second Mutation


New member
My husband has CF (was diagnosised as a baby). In 1997 he had a Genzyme genetic test done and they found one deltaf508 mutation, but his other mutation came up as "unknown." I know that many othter mutations have been found since 1997. Do you know if insurance would cover to have the genetic test redone to see if the second mutation can be identified?




New member
My husband has CF (was diagnosised as a baby). In 1997 he had a Genzyme genetic test done and they found one deltaf508 mutation, but his other mutation came up as "unknown." I know that many othter mutations have been found since 1997. Do you know if insurance would cover to have the genetic test redone to see if the second mutation can be identified?




New member
My husband has CF (was diagnosised as a baby). In 1997 he had a Genzyme genetic test done and they found one deltaf508 mutation, but his other mutation came up as "unknown." I know that many othter mutations have been found since 1997. Do you know if insurance would cover to have the genetic test redone to see if the second mutation can be identified?




New member
My husband has CF (was diagnosised as a baby). In 1997 he had a Genzyme genetic test done and they found one deltaf508 mutation, but his other mutation came up as "unknown." I know that many othter mutations have been found since 1997. Do you know if insurance would cover to have the genetic test redone to see if the second mutation can be identified?




New member
My husband has CF (was diagnosised as a baby). In 1997 he had a Genzyme genetic test done and they found one deltaf508 mutation, but his other mutation came up as "unknown." I know that many othter mutations have been found since 1997. Do you know if insurance would cover to have the genetic test redone to see if the second mutation can be identified?

