Seeing Reproductive Endochronologist next week...


New member
I think you know my story, but I will recap. MH and I TTC for 8 cycles before beginning IUI. All 8 cycles I used OPKs, charted, took mucinex, and used preseed. I was ovulating regularly, but we didn't get pregnant. The RE had me get some bloodwork on cycle day 3 to check my hormones, and I had to have an HSG. My husband had a semen analysis. Everything came back normal, so the RE recommended unmedicated IUI. He said that he usually had people come in for IUI when the got a positive OPK, but I was having trouble with OPKs, so I went in to have my folicles monitored and he trigged them with an HCG shot (forced them to release the egg) once one was large enough to be ready to be "ripe." We did this twice and I didn't get pregnant.
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<br />So, then he suggested we add clomid. I was terrified of having multiples and this was a hard decision for me, but we decided to go ahead. It turned out that I only got one follicle on clomid, so there wasn't much of a risk of multiples. We got pregnant the first time we tried IUI + clomid, but I had an early miscarriage.
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<br />After that, we tried two more times, but I kept ovulating so early that, by the time I was monitored, I had already ovulated and it was too late to do an IUI. The third time, my RE had me come in on cycle day 9 for monitoring so we wouldn't miss it, and I got pregnant with Lillian!
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<br />Best of luck to you Jess. I am really pulling for you and I hope the RE is able to help you out (and quickly). It is an emotionally exhausting road to go down, but sooooo worth it. The best advice I think I have is to seek out other people who are going through infertility treatments - for me, it seemed like everyone I knew in real life got pregnant without blinking, and I felt like a complete freak and was very depressed. My internet community of IF sisters helped sooooo much - it was so wonderful to have people to "talk" to who knew the right things to say and understood what I was going through. And it helped me to be able to comfort other women who were going through the struggles along with me.


New member
Thank you all so very much for your words of wisdom, experiences, and advice. I appreciate it tons!! The appointment was today and went very well. I'll keep you guys posted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you all so very much for your words of wisdom, experiences, and advice. I appreciate it tons!! The appointment was today and went very well. I'll keep you guys posted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you all so very much for your words of wisdom, experiences, and advice. I appreciate it tons!! The appointment was today and went very well. I'll keep you guys posted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">