Septic and Drain Field Problem Due to Meds....


New member
Have you ever had problems with your septic tank or drain field that may be due to CF meds entering the system???
We are having to replace our drain field due to a build up that has clogged our system causing it not to drain and back up in our house. The build up is caused by a biomat (dead bacteria building up through the system). All the antifungals and antibiotics (and maybe even the digestive enzymes) are killing the bacteria in our septic and drain field. Causing the bacteria to die off and form this biomat. You need bacteria in the septic and drain field to make things flow smoothly.
Iamjust wondering if anyone has had this happen to them and if so what did you put in your septic tank to counter act the meds that are getting out there?
Also we are wondering what we can use to eat up or get rid of this biomat that has formed?
We do not dump any meds down the toilet. The meds are getting in the system from exiting the kids systems through the toilet.
Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great.
Vicki (mom of 2 w CF)


New member
Have you ever had problems with your septic tank or drain field that may be due to CF meds entering the system???
We are having to replace our drain field due to a build up that has clogged our system causing it not to drain and back up in our house. The build up is caused by a biomat (dead bacteria building up through the system). All the antifungals and antibiotics (and maybe even the digestive enzymes) are killing the bacteria in our septic and drain field. Causing the bacteria to die off and form this biomat. You need bacteria in the septic and drain field to make things flow smoothly.
Iamjust wondering if anyone has had this happen to them and if so what did you put in your septic tank to counter act the meds that are getting out there?
Also we are wondering what we can use to eat up or get rid of this biomat that has formed?
We do not dump any meds down the toilet. The meds are getting in the system from exiting the kids systems through the toilet.
Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great.
Vicki (mom of 2 w CF)


New member
The thought has definitely entered my head but I've never had any known problems with our septic or fields because of the antibiotic use. Let us know how you end up resolving it.


New member
The thought has definitely entered my head but I've never had any known problems with our septic or fields because of the antibiotic use. Let us know how you end up resolving it.


hmmmm we always have problems with ours??? I have put ridex it has good bacteria for that type of job lol but now that you bring it up i might try adding it more often to see. good grief it looks like we have enought to deal with with cf lol


hmmmm we always have problems with ours??? I have put ridex it has good bacteria for that type of job lol but now that you bring it up i might try adding it more often to see. good grief it looks like we have enought to deal with with cf lol