Seriously Check your meds


Super Moderator
I was going to give my daughter her antibiotic, which is a big white pill. I get them in 90 day supply. I found at the bottom of the bottle a pink pill that I had no idea what it was. Called the pharmacy and they identified it as a mood stabilizer. It was in with a child's antibiotic. I am 98% of the time the person who gives and checks my daughter pills and gives them to her. Very scary.


Staff member
Wow that is scary! I know with generics and they run out of one brand, there's usually a label on the side indicating the color or size of the pill is different due to that.


Super Moderator
omg. That is frightening. And a good reminder. So glad you caught but I can imagine the panic of what if someone gave to her by mistake!


New member
My pharmacy once sent me some HIV medication instead of my Azithromycin... It was a simple mix-up at the pharmacy but it was strange


Staff member
In April I got a 90 day refill of my one and only script and thought the bottle was a little bigger than usual. It's now October and I still have a bunch left. Methinks it's closer to a 9-10 month supply and didn't realize the error until the end of July when I usually need to schedule a dr. Appointment for refill.


Super Moderator
The scary thing is it was just one random pill at the bottom..What if someone gave it to her or if she took it herself? I used it as a learning experience to remind my daughter to always question the meds given to her(even by me). I have found plenty of mistakes, usually it's not getting enough of the antibiotic(cause her doses are higher and longer).


New member
I have had hospital pharmacy send up the wrong dose enzyme before, I caught it, questioned it and got it corrected. Once while I was admitted, there was another cf patient in the room next to mine with a similar last name, the on call doctor pulled the chart to prescribe the other guy a round of prednisone but grabbed mine instead of theirs. The next morning the nurse comes around with morning meds, prednisone included and when I questioned it, she looked and in fact it had been prescribed by the on-call dr. It passed my test so while I was irritated she hadn't told me about it when I saw her, I took the prednisone. The mistake was discovered later that afternoon when she made rounds again and discovered that the other patient had not received the ordered prednisone. At the time they let me leave my door open and I could hear conversations at the nurses station, the on-call dr started ripping into a nurse over it when she thought it had just been ignored. My nurse heard the conversation and chimed in with "the patient in room 12 had prednisone ordered but nothing for 11" or something to that effect. It must have rattled around quite a bit, I ended up with a hospital employee in business attire instead of hospital attire coming in and asking me if I had been given prednisone.


Staff member
I really keep an eye on it in the hospital as well. a few years ago a nurse tried to give ds an oral syringe of Keflex ---- he'd been taking pills for years, it was somebody else's.