SEVERE Acid Reflux- go gluten free
<P>I use to be on prilosec, tagament etc for years. My stomach was so bad that I was real sick.</P>
<P>I went to a nutritionist and found out I had an allergy to wheat. Told my CF doc and they gave me a test to test gluten antibodies, then a genetic test for celiac. Go figure.</P>
<P>Estimates that CF's are twice as likely to actually have celiac. Still a low percent. But in all I have learned the gluten(the protein found in wheat) is indicated in over 300 different diseases. Bingo Most CF's are gluten intolerant. We already have stomach problems throw in an auto immune response to wheat and you go problems.</P>
<P>look up gluten sensitvity, gluten intolerance and see if things look like you could relate.</P>
<P>Have your doc give you an IGE antibody test and then try a gluten free diet to see if you feel better. Granted it can take years for the intestines to heal but you should see some benefit. Like less gas, bloating, heartburn fatty stools, less congestions etc.</P>
<P>post me back if you want to chat.</P>
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