I on a blue moon, get bad sinus attacks, where my head gets full of pressure, my neck hurts and my front checks and forehead, as well as the front of my eyebrows and my front head really hurt .
I don't get nausea or vertigo, but I get a sensitive to light and espically noise. I get so tried I often have to go lay down for a bit and rest, I just can't do anything.
Next time this happens, I am going to try an Excedrin, instead of the usual Suddafed, whitch helps a little, but don't really get to the symptoms.
Do these mimic migraines or are they just serve sinus headaches? I don't have any type or drainage, or infection flare up that going on, its just inflammation and pressure.
Input please CFers, thanks~!~!
I don't get nausea or vertigo, but I get a sensitive to light and espically noise. I get so tried I often have to go lay down for a bit and rest, I just can't do anything.
Next time this happens, I am going to try an Excedrin, instead of the usual Suddafed, whitch helps a little, but don't really get to the symptoms.
Do these mimic migraines or are they just serve sinus headaches? I don't have any type or drainage, or infection flare up that going on, its just inflammation and pressure.
Input please CFers, thanks~!~!