Severe skin irritations from tape


New member
Hi! I'm a 21 yr old with CF. I am on Iv's usually 3-4 times a yr, and I always get a PICC line. In the last yr and half, my skin has gotten really irritated by the tape, especially if the dressing gets wet. Does anyone else have this sort of problem? If so, what do you do? Have you found any types of dressings that irritate it less? Thanks a bunch!! Mar


New member
Hey, My skin gets irritated, too. And pretty much the only thing I've been able to do is use skin creams to relieve the area when the dressing gets changed or removed. I like Burts Bees Vitimin E Cream. Hope this helps, hang in there.Debbie22 yrold w/ CF


New member
My daughter breaks out in hives from the tape for her picc lines. Try having them use sorbeview tape instead of the regular tape. It much easier on the skin and is for people with skin irritations. The iv therapy nurses will know what it is. Also be sure to clean off the area well as soon as the tape comes off. We use alcohol to get all the sticky stuff and the sticky stuff remover off.


New member
We use paper tape. Both my daughter and I get irritations from the regular tapes, but the paper tape usually doesn't irritate our skin as much.Andrea