Sex question


New member
Sorry for the awkward sex question.
Once you are in a commited relationship, do guys w/cf still use condoms? Just wondering what to do when i get to that stage.


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Unless your beau has had a fertility test, I would use one. Although I understand that there is only a 2% chance that your man will be fertile, you can never be too sure. My husband (32 wcf) is fortunate enough to be fertile. Good Luck!!!


New member
I think it's unique to each person, but we made a conscious decision NOT to use protection (condoms or birth control pills). Our reasons were because...
#1. If we got pregnant, we were prepared to have a baby
#2. We were both clear that we were in a committed, long term relationship and neither of us had any qualms about STD's because...
#3. We had both been tested for STD's and HIV (myself because I worked in the medical field but my husband was my first, and him because I was not his first)

I think that if you choose to go this route, and have had other partners in the past, both of you should be tested. Just to cover all your bases.

Best of luck with your decision. Everyone has a different opinion and reasons based on their experience...


New member
BTW, I'm glad you asked this question about sex. I don't think the topic is discussed enough on this forum so bravo for asking the question. Definately a valid one!


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julie, good luck with the babies. My sister married a man with cf and had my beautiful little neice by the miracle of ivf...she is perfect. Can you imagine my poor dad...4 daughters and 2 married men with cf. What are the odds!!!!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

julie, good luck with the babies. My sister married a man with cf and had my beautiful little neice by the miracle of ivf...she is perfect. Can you imagine my poor dad...4 daughters and 2 married men with cf. What are the odds!!!!</end quote></div>

Wait.....out of the 4 girls your Dad has. 2 of them married men with CF? What are the odds?! LOL!


New member
Me and this girl I used to date sometimes didn't use a condom. It was rare that we didn't use one and looking back on it, it was a bad idea. We were both each other's first so we weren't worried about STD's and she would sometimes encourage it if we didn't have a condom available at the time. I still don't know whether or not I'm fertile and I'm not sure I should get tested until I get married. This way I will just assume that I'm fertile and will always use a condom, thus avoiding STD's. It is something you would definitely want to get tested for if in a serious relationship though.


New member
wow, 2 married men with CF. Those are some out there odds!!! Thanks for the well wishes, I appreciate it.

Best to you and your family!!!


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whether or not the male is fertile it is always important to use condoms for your own and your partners protection from various stds. you and you partner can talk about know committed relationships positive each other doesnt have stds because of testing or because your virgins.....but dont take a chance that the cf male is can never be to careful....also think about this HPV is a virus contracted through sex and is also one with sneaky symptoms, sometimes they never show sypmtoms, other times it lies and waits, and symptoms (for females anyway) show up as other female problems not related to any virus...such as odd bleeding. its one that through the symptoms may look like a nothing to worry about type thing...but it can cause cervical cancer, cysts on overavies and cause women to be sterile....all this because the symptoms can be undetected and thus causing havoc on the female body and HPV is more common than you use protection because STDs are very sneaky, you cant tell if someone has one or several by looking (well sometimes in certain areas) dont want to mess with them. if your thinking you might sleep around and experiement with several people definatly use protection. unwanted pregnancies can be bad and so are stds


New member
Myself and my partner do not use condoms, but I'm on the pill. We've been in a committed relationship for over 2 years now, and both made the decision together to not use them. We have both been tested for STDs, etc so that isn't a problem. Like many have mentioned, it all depends on the person.


My Ex-wife insisted I use a condom, despite being sterile!

But, While we are on the subject, it does bring me to a question for the spouses/females in committed relationship of CF men.
Does the ejaculatory secretions of the man happen to have a high content of salt in it?
I ask because the following question would be if there is any irritation to the woman after intercourse because of it? (This only applies to the women who's spouse/male in committed relationship with CF.
My ex- had complained freqent times of irritation/infections, (reason for condom?)but I have no idea if it is related to me, or not. The new wife hasn't made any comments, so I don't know.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Unless your beau has had a fertility test, I would use one. Although I understand that there is only a 2% chance that your man will be fertile, you can never be too sure. My husband (32 wcf) is fortunate enough to be fertile. Good Luck!!!</end quote></div>


I beleive the 2% stat has gone up quite a bit over the last few years.
I beleive it is closer to 10%.
If not your husband and I are some real lucky dudes..

I am also fortunate enough to be fertile.


New member
Seminal Fluid Components
Seminal fluid is comprised of secretions produced by the prostate gland, Cowper's gland and the seminal vesicles. All three combine to produce various types of alkaline fluids. Fluid from the prostate gland account for about 30% of seminal fluid. Because of its alkaline makeup, this fluid helps to neutralize the acids naturally found in the urethra and the vagina. This prevents the sperm from being killed off on contact.

The seminal vesicles produce about 60% of the seminal fluids. Also an alkaline fluid, these secretions contain fructose, a type of sugar, which give sperm energy, thereby allowing them to move faster and aid them in their swim up through the uterus. The Cowper's gland along with fluid from the testes contribute the remaining fluid to the semen.

i knew it was some kind of sugar base but had to look it up to be sure. i only remember this because of a bad joke about a blonde in a biology class....and then later on really happened in my brother in laws biology class....and yes she was a blonde and yes she was being serious.....and no i wont tell the joke because i will be banned.



New member

also i forgot to add it was probably her fault hving irritation/infections.....a woman should clean herself after sex because it can cause infections, UTIs if left up there....some women are more prone to infections than others so keeping clean is a must.


New member
dang it forgot another thing.....the fluid is actually considered glucocorticoids, combination of sugars....but before anyone asks it does not taste sweet its not that kind of sugar. just the kind to give energy to the sperm to help them do what they do best swim and impregnate. i should have mentioned this with the first post....what i looked up just said fructose. close enough i suppose.



This question was already well answered by everyone but I will add this. My wife had a philosophy she wouldn't have sex with anyone(more enough unprotected) until she knew that if she were to get pregnant she would be happy staying with that person. Ironically...that person was me who seemingly couldn't get her pregnant without the help of a check book and several doctors. point is that unprotected sex is more than just the question of sterililty and diseases I guess it is sometimes about a lifes commitment.


New member
Fred, I ditto what purple said about the UTI's being her "fault" (maybe fault isn't the right word though). I know for the first few years mark and I were together, I was prone to them, got them ALL the time inspite of being a very clean person. My doctor said it happens to some women who become sexually active young... plus my body is very sensitive.

After about 2 years though, it cleared up and I wasn't getting them at all. Went from getting 1-2 every month to none. I've had one now that I am pregnant (not related to sex) so clearly it's partly the woman's body too (sensitivity levels) because I am a very very cleanly person.

Hope that answers the question. I don't think the salt content in your body has anything to do with it.


As for the percentage..
At least 97 percent of men with cystic fibrosis are infertile. 2000 study.
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