Share The Word


New member
I very bummed and fustrated ........ people who aren't around CF on a daily basis, who don't know any CFers DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT IT!!!!

Sorry just really peturbed at the fact.......

I'd like the word on Cystic Fibrosis to spread ......... I have a couple of BLOGS that you could copy/paste and print off to hand out ...... put them in neighbors mailboxes ..... give it to a stranger on the street .... any thing to any one ... just please help get the word out any way you can think of .... I'm an actually the Editor of our local CF Chapter news letter where I attached My lastest Blog so that people who get our News Letter can pass along the word ...


New member
do you have a local newspaper, Im sure you could do an article for them im sure the local newspapers find it difficult to fill their pages with interesting stuff. Our local paper , The Greenock telegraph- happens to be the oldest local rag in the world- done a double page spread series on the hospital departments they covered it for at least 8 weeks diff dept each week, unfortunately they didnt do CF, but they done respiritory, well i am writing to the paper in the hope that they will do a spread on CF. I'll post if i get anywhere with this.


New member
did you not get involved in the cftrust calendar? Basically it was a calendar which had pictures of lots of our UK cf kids. It was featured in lots of local newspapers, where the individual children lived. Our local newspaper had a full page spread of our son, and I found that this was the best way of promoting knowledge of the condition.
Maybe if your child featured in the next calendar, your local rag would do a feature aswell?


New member

Thanks for the idea ..... not sure if our paper would do it though, being it is a rather large paper in the area. But, anything it worth a try .......... Being it is our Chapters 40th year in the City maybe I can make something Happen ... Thanks again for the Idea.