share your information about pancreatic enzymes


Staff member
Loose, frequent stools, sometimes oily are a sign that they need more enzymes. DS' stools were fluffy like frosting, not well formed. They tended to be orangish and sometimes greenish. Orange I figure was from his vitamins. They also tended to smell like feta cheese, which I assume was because his primary source of food was milk based formula. When he was potty trained, his stools floated, would leave a greasy ring around the waterline in the toilet. Stools SHOULD look normal if they're getting enough enzymes -- brown, more solid.


New member
I'm also new to enzymes for my 2 yr old son. No matter what I sprinkle them on, he tries to spit them out. He now knows what I'm tryin to give him and runs. Any suggestions??? Does it get easier or will he get used to it??


New member
If your 2yr old is like my cfer was at 2 he wants to do everything himself. When mine was 2 1/2 I bought myself a bottle of multi vitamins and every day at breakfast I had her watch how amazing mommy was at putting it in my mouth and swallowing it with a drink. It took a while before she decided she wanted to try it with her enzymns, I didn't push it I just told her she could try when she wanted. She began swallowing her enzymns without even a drink before she was 3. It has made every meal and snack especially on-the-go easier.

Keep in mind that children has a sensitive gag reflx and not all of them will be capable of doing this until they are older. But if you modle the behavior they often try to mimick. So good luck.

PS Mine also began hateing apple sauce and fruit puree around age 2. I couldn't get her to open her mouth. So until she learned to swallow I sprinkled them on anything she would open-up for, yogurt, icecream, wipped cream, pudding...No it's not ideal but it was better than her not getting any enzymns at all in fact I never noticed a difference in her digestion with apple sauce vs yogurt.

Good luck, be creative, and don't give up!


New member
My daughter use to have fluffy and frothy like stools before and now her stools are well formed but there are pieces of while fat like things in her stool would any one tell if its ok