Share your Stories w/ me


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Hi Megan.

I'm Tamatha the mother of 6 month old Logan. He was diagnosed with CF when he was 9 weeks old. My story is a lot like Catie's. All he did was cry nonstop he would only sleep for maybe thirty minutes at a time and that was after he ate.I was functioning on maybe two hours of sleep a night at thirty minute intervals. He was eating six ounces of formula every two hours by the time he was six weeks old,and he would cry wanting more. He had chronic diarrhea, every single day he had approximately six or seven dirty diapers per feeding. I was taking him to the doctor and every time I went they thoght I was exaggerating because he is my first child, so obviously I didn't know what I was talking about. We went through three doctors until I found one who at least attempted to help. He startd changing Logans formula. By the time he was nine weeks old he had been on seven different formulas, cried nonstop, had only gained a pound since he had been born,awful diarrhea. His pediatrician referred him to the university hospital here and they admitted him for failure to thrive. The next day they did the sweat test and was diagnosed. That day was the worst yet best day because I wasn't crazy after all and we found out what was wrong and could do something. He was started on creon 5 and has ben doing wonderfully! So far the only problems he's had is digestion so maybe it will stay that way. I'm still scared silly and really have no idea what to expect or do but I'm learning. Tonight was the first night I found this web site. I've never been here before but I'm glad I found it. I hope I was some help to you. And anyone who reads this and has any advice for me please feel free to give it.


New member
Hey Meggan, my name is Sara im 17 and only just been diagnosed!! All my life they said that i had asthma but they were wrong and due to that i also have bronchestasis which is also connected to CF. Its the worst thing that has ever happened to me and i cant stand the way i feel about myself any more! The thought that i have a disease within my body is hard enough even trying to think about it. No one in my family has it apart from me and i dont know which of my parents have passed it on to me. No one seems to understand what im going through and it drives me mad!!!!!!! I got such a bad chest that i have to driven about all the time and so i have to depend on people all. I hate the fact that im in denial and cant talk to no one, i do in fact believe that this is worser than cancer and i cant believe that its around before i was diagnosed i have never heard of it and now its taking over my life with all the medication and things i need to do! Cant understand why ive got it and been diagnosed so late on!! Just wish i had someone to talk to who understood me. Hope this help you xx<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Meggan, my name is Sara im 17 and only just been diagnosed!! All my life they said that i had asthma but they were wrong and due to that i also have bronchestasis which is also connected to CF. Its the worst thing that has ever happened to me and i cant stand the way i feel about myself any more! The thought that i have a disease within my body is hard enough even trying to think about it. No one in my family has it apart from me and i dont know which of my parents have passed it on to me. No one seems to understand what im going through and it drives me mad!!!!!!! I got such a bad chest that i have to driven about all the time and so i have to depend on people all. I hate the fact that im in denial and cant talk to no one, i do in fact believe that this is worser than cancer and i cant believe that its around before i was diagnosed i have never heard of it and now its taking over my life with all the medication and things i need to do! Cant understand why ive got it and been diagnosed so late on!! Just wish i had someone to talk to who understood me. Hope this help you xx<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey Meggan, my name is Sara im 17 and only just been diagnosed!! All my life they said that i had asthma but they were wrong and due to that i also have bronchestasis which is also connected to CF. Its the worst thing that has ever happened to me and i cant stand the way i feel about myself any more! The thought that i have a disease within my body is hard enough even trying to think about it. No one in my family has it apart from me and i dont know which of my parents have passed it on to me. No one seems to understand what im going through and it drives me mad!!!!!!! I got such a bad chest that i have to driven about all the time and so i have to depend on people all. I hate the fact that im in denial and cant talk to no one, i do in fact believe that this is worser than cancer and i cant believe that its around before i was diagnosed i have never heard of it and now its taking over my life with all the medication and things i need to do! Cant understand why ive got it and been diagnosed so late on!! Just wish i had someone to talk to who understood me. Hope this help you xx<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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Catie --
First let me say how sorry I am in this day and age that the medical community would not listen to your concerns. I am sorry for the dx, but glad to hear Aiden is finally getting the care he needs.

As a cfer who will turn 40 in two months (and a respiratory therapist), let me help put your mind at ease. The medications are necessary to help Aiden grow and keep the lung infections away. The lung infections are what cause the damage. It is all "preventive maintenance". I took Tobi before it was Tobi. It was straight tobramyacin antibiotic used for IV's in the hospital! BUT, it made all the differnce in the world for me. Other than the taste, I had not side effects. Antibiotics are a double-edged sword. The are necessary, but yet you don't want to take them all the time (in pill or intravenous [IV] form, inhaled meds are safe as they do not go systemic). As he gets older and becomes more active, DON'T HOLD HIM BACK!! Let him run and play. Physical activity is the best for his lungs and mental health.

Hope this helps a little.


New member
Catie --
First let me say how sorry I am in this day and age that the medical community would not listen to your concerns. I am sorry for the dx, but glad to hear Aiden is finally getting the care he needs.

As a cfer who will turn 40 in two months (and a respiratory therapist), let me help put your mind at ease. The medications are necessary to help Aiden grow and keep the lung infections away. The lung infections are what cause the damage. It is all "preventive maintenance". I took Tobi before it was Tobi. It was straight tobramyacin antibiotic used for IV's in the hospital! BUT, it made all the differnce in the world for me. Other than the taste, I had not side effects. Antibiotics are a double-edged sword. The are necessary, but yet you don't want to take them all the time (in pill or intravenous [IV] form, inhaled meds are safe as they do not go systemic). As he gets older and becomes more active, DON'T HOLD HIM BACK!! Let him run and play. Physical activity is the best for his lungs and mental health.

Hope this helps a little.


New member
Catie --
First let me say how sorry I am in this day and age that the medical community would not listen to your concerns. I am sorry for the dx, but glad to hear Aiden is finally getting the care he needs.

As a cfer who will turn 40 in two months (and a respiratory therapist), let me help put your mind at ease. The medications are necessary to help Aiden grow and keep the lung infections away. The lung infections are what cause the damage. It is all "preventive maintenance". I took Tobi before it was Tobi. It was straight tobramyacin antibiotic used for IV's in the hospital! BUT, it made all the differnce in the world for me. Other than the taste, I had not side effects. Antibiotics are a double-edged sword. The are necessary, but yet you don't want to take them all the time (in pill or intravenous [IV] form, inhaled meds are safe as they do not go systemic). As he gets older and becomes more active, DON'T HOLD HIM BACK!! Let him run and play. Physical activity is the best for his lungs and mental health.

Hope this helps a little.


New member
Thank you Rhonda! This site is amazing and i'm so grateful to learn from all of you wonderful (and very well informed) folks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Rhonda, i'm not sure how but in a matter of 10 seconds.. in reading your reply post i am SO much more at ease and recommitted to any neccessary tx's w/ meds that Aidan might require. Thank you, thank you!

God Bless,



New member
Thank you Rhonda! This site is amazing and i'm so grateful to learn from all of you wonderful (and very well informed) folks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Rhonda, i'm not sure how but in a matter of 10 seconds.. in reading your reply post i am SO much more at ease and recommitted to any neccessary tx's w/ meds that Aidan might require. Thank you, thank you!

God Bless,



New member
Thank you Rhonda! This site is amazing and i'm so grateful to learn from all of you wonderful (and very well informed) folks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Rhonda, i'm not sure how but in a matter of 10 seconds.. in reading your reply post i am SO much more at ease and recommitted to any neccessary tx's w/ meds that Aidan might require. Thank you, thank you!

God Bless,
