Short Gut


New member
Hi there, my daughter was born Aug 2011, she is now 6 months old and diagnosed with cf. she was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstructon caused by MI. she had part of her small intestine removed and is now short gut. im seeking for advise as a new diagnosed and if there is any families whos experienced the short gut as well. what can i expect? we've been in the nicu most of the time. from birth till 4 1/2 months, its been a tough road, any advice and guidence will be highly appriciated. god bless


New member
Hi there, my daughter was born Aug 2011, she is now 6 months old and diagnosed with cf. she was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstructon caused by MI. she had part of her small intestine removed and is now short gut. im seeking for advise as a new diagnosed and if there is any families whos experienced the short gut as well. what can i expect? we've been in the nicu most of the time. from birth till 4 1/2 months, its been a tough road, any advice and guidence will be highly appriciated. god bless


Staff member
DS didn't have short gut, but did have a small portion of his small intestine removed. I'm assuming your daughter has been put on digestive enzymes...


Staff member
DS didn't have short gut, but did have a small portion of his small intestine removed. I'm assuming your daughter has been put on digestive enzymes...


New member
Yes, she's been taking creon since 2 wks old. How's your baby doing? Is he growing well? My daughters height is pretty good, but her weight is WAY under <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, she's been taking creon since 2 wks old. How's your baby doing? Is he growing well? My daughters height is pretty good, but her weight is WAY under <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
We don't have short gut, but did have MI at birth, g-tube at 7 months which led to an additional diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitus. I'm please to report that at his clinic appointment this week, at just under 14 months, he weighed in at 21 lbs and 13 ounces. He was only 14 pounds at 7 months.

So, hang in there, the weight will come.


New member
We don't have short gut, but did have MI at birth, g-tube at 7 months which led to an additional diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitus. I'm please to report that at his clinic appointment this week, at just under 14 months, he weighed in at 21 lbs and 13 ounces. He was only 14 pounds at 7 months.

So, hang in there, the weight will come.


New member
Micah is very short gut at this point. He had significnt small bowel loops removed with his MI. He had his gallbladder removed at 3 months. At age 4, he had a bowel obstruction that cost him more of his small intestine, his illeoseccal valve, his appendix and a portion of his large bowel.

Weight gain has been a challenge his entire life. Add to that his Autism and the fact that his biological parents essentially abandoned him in the hospital everytime he went, so he never had the opprotunity to associate eating with positive activities and making his tummy feel better, and he is fully g-tube dependent at this point.

In order to help Micah thrive, we have to get 3000 calories into him per day. Basically, in the words of his Heptalogist, we overwhelm his bucket with so much volume that we override the hole it pours out. However, if we miss 3000 calories, he'll start to lose weight. I have NO idea what we're going to do if he continues to grow and his caloric needs increase from the current 3000 as this is where we've been for at least a year now.

Last May, we were up to 63 pounds. At Christmas, due to the school violating his Medical Care Plan and doctoring documentation, he was all the way back down to 49 pounds. Since conclusively proving that issue, we've got him back up to 58 pounds. However, it takes constant vigalence to keep his weight up. He's nearly 10 and there's never been a day when his weight and calories weren't a huge part of his life. I do think his Autism plays a huge role in this struggle, but a lot of it is also his short gut struggles.

I have read some studies about giving pectin supplements to encourage regrowth of the bowel loops. We have actually used pectin for several years to attempt to bulk up Micah's stools (a HUGE challenge without an illeoseccal valve). The last bowel study they ran showed he has NORMAL bowel loops at this point, miraculously. I suspect the pectin may have done exactly what the experimental studies have shown. The problem is that FUNCTION did not regenerate with length. So, despite the length of his bowels, he still has very short gut. I didn't give him the pectin for that reason, but I had hoped it might help somewhat. It hasn't really.


New member
Micah is very short gut at this point. He had significnt small bowel loops removed with his MI. He had his gallbladder removed at 3 months. At age 4, he had a bowel obstruction that cost him more of his small intestine, his illeoseccal valve, his appendix and a portion of his large bowel.

Weight gain has been a challenge his entire life. Add to that his Autism and the fact that his biological parents essentially abandoned him in the hospital everytime he went, so he never had the opprotunity to associate eating with positive activities and making his tummy feel better, and he is fully g-tube dependent at this point.

In order to help Micah thrive, we have to get 3000 calories into him per day. Basically, in the words of his Heptalogist, we overwhelm his bucket with so much volume that we override the hole it pours out. However, if we miss 3000 calories, he'll start to lose weight. I have NO idea what we're going to do if he continues to grow and his caloric needs increase from the current 3000 as this is where we've been for at least a year now.

Last May, we were up to 63 pounds. At Christmas, due to the school violating his Medical Care Plan and doctoring documentation, he was all the way back down to 49 pounds. Since conclusively proving that issue, we've got him back up to 58 pounds. However, it takes constant vigalence to keep his weight up. He's nearly 10 and there's never been a day when his weight and calories weren't a huge part of his life. I do think his Autism plays a huge role in this struggle, but a lot of it is also his short gut struggles.

I have read some studies about giving pectin supplements to encourage regrowth of the bowel loops. We have actually used pectin for several years to attempt to bulk up Micah's stools (a HUGE challenge without an illeoseccal valve). The last bowel study they ran showed he has NORMAL bowel loops at this point, miraculously. I suspect the pectin may have done exactly what the experimental studies have shown. The problem is that FUNCTION did not regenerate with length. So, despite the length of his bowels, he still has very short gut. I didn't give him the pectin for that reason, but I had hoped it might help somewhat. It hasn't really.


New member
Miahs been struggling on tolerating feeds. She just got off tpn this week. and been on it since birth.. she's currently on different medications to control her diarrhea and she's also gbutton dependent. She gets pectin added to her milk and is on elecare for calories. It's hard to jugle everything at once.. the fact that w cf digestion of food Is an issue, and the short bowel makes it even more difficult. As of now she's doing well respiratory wise, just need her to put some weight. Do you know how long it takes for the intestines to adapt? Thanx for everyone's responses!


New member
Miahs been struggling on tolerating feeds. She just got off tpn this week. and been on it since birth.. she's currently on different medications to control her diarrhea and she's also gbutton dependent. She gets pectin added to her milk and is on elecare for calories. It's hard to jugle everything at once.. the fact that w cf digestion of food Is an issue, and the short bowel makes it even more difficult. As of now she's doing well respiratory wise, just need her to put some weight. Do you know how long it takes for the intestines to adapt? Thanx for everyone's responses!


Staff member
We struggled with DS' loose stools, spit up, failure to thrive and difficult feeds while he was a baby; however, with increased calorie formula (more powder to water ratio), feeding every 3-4 hours and supplementing extra calories --- cream, butter, oil, fruit juice, greek yogurt, etc once he was able to start solids, we were able to maintain a 50th percentile. We pretty much fed him whatever he'd eat. Because babyfood is low in fat and salt, he got regular table food. His daycare would grind up casseroles, stew, fish sticks ---- what everyone else was eating. I don't believe we saw normal looking stools until he was about a year old.

Again, ds didn't have short gut. And your baby is stilll quite young. Eventually I suspect she'll tolerate her feeds a little better, eat more formula. And with the Gbutton, you probably don't have to deal with bottle aversion, which made feeding DS a bit stressful.


Staff member
We struggled with DS' loose stools, spit up, failure to thrive and difficult feeds while he was a baby; however, with increased calorie formula (more powder to water ratio), feeding every 3-4 hours and supplementing extra calories --- cream, butter, oil, fruit juice, greek yogurt, etc once he was able to start solids, we were able to maintain a 50th percentile. We pretty much fed him whatever he'd eat. Because babyfood is low in fat and salt, he got regular table food. His daycare would grind up casseroles, stew, fish sticks ---- what everyone else was eating. I don't believe we saw normal looking stools until he was about a year old.

Again, ds didn't have short gut. And your baby is stilll quite young. Eventually I suspect she'll tolerate her feeds a little better, eat more formula. And with the Gbutton, you probably don't have to deal with bottle aversion, which made feeding DS a bit stressful.


New member
Its been quite some time since i have been on here. but I know exactly where you are. Grayson was born with a twisted bowel (MI) and had 30cm cut from her small intestine. She was in the hospital for almost 7months before i could bring her home. when we came home she was on pectin. it helped with stool output. Her stool have never been formed. She was on 24/7 gtube feeds and would vomit and have many stool blow outs. It was very frusterating. On my own I started feeding her real food. She loved yobaby yogurt. Plus it was higher in fat than her formula. When she turned 1yr. She started boost 1.5 cal/ml. She loved it. But let me rewind a bit. since she wasnt eating as an infant she never developed the know how to suck a bottle. But, i wouldnt want to drink the formula with salt and pectin either. (i did taste it) yuck! So when she got ahold of the boost she went to town on it. we worked with her along with OT/PT coming to my home a few times a week. she was very behind on many development stages. She has had more tummy issuse than lung. The summer of 2010 she got sick with c dif. she was hositalized again. ( she has been in the hospital half her life) I could go on and on. But now, Grayson is doing well. She even goes to preschool and loves it. Her stools are loose. She still needs to wear a pullup at night just in case. She is almost at 50% bmi. We have not had to use her gtube since her last hospital stay in 2010. She takes all her meds by mouth which are pills. She has come a long way. I never thought we would ever get this far. Her doctors are very pleased with her progress. She is anadvanced 3 yr now! Please feel free to ask questions! Take Care!


New member
Its been quite some time since i have been on here. but I know exactly where you are. Grayson was born with a twisted bowel (MI) and had 30cm cut from her small intestine. She was in the hospital for almost 7months before i could bring her home. when we came home she was on pectin. it helped with stool output. Her stool have never been formed. She was on 24/7 gtube feeds and would vomit and have many stool blow outs. It was very frusterating. On my own I started feeding her real food. She loved yobaby yogurt. Plus it was higher in fat than her formula. When she turned 1yr. She started boost 1.5 cal/ml. She loved it. But let me rewind a bit. since she wasnt eating as an infant she never developed the know how to suck a bottle. But, i wouldnt want to drink the formula with salt and pectin either. (i did taste it) yuck! So when she got ahold of the boost she went to town on it. we worked with her along with OT/PT coming to my home a few times a week. she was very behind on many development stages. She has had more tummy issuse than lung. The summer of 2010 she got sick with c dif. she was hositalized again. ( she has been in the hospital half her life) I could go on and on. But now, Grayson is doing well. She even goes to preschool and loves it. Her stools are loose. She still needs to wear a pullup at night just in case. She is almost at 50% bmi. We have not had to use her gtube since her last hospital stay in 2010. She takes all her meds by mouth which are pills. She has come a long way. I never thought we would ever get this far. Her doctors are very pleased with her progress. She is anadvanced 3 yr now! Please feel free to ask questions! Take Care!


New member
Wow our stories are very similar!!! Im glad to hear shes doing great <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
.. Miah had 59cm removed. I know how hard it is to deal with blowouts 24/7.. i literally spend most of my days in the laundry room.. Miah use to do great with the bottle until she was put on all gbutton, now she gags when she tries. She does great with the applesauce though. Im very excited to start table foods. Just need to take things slow since her gut is sensitive. When was baby Grayson able to get off continuous feeds? Will she still need the gbutton if it isnt being used? Did you and husband know yall were cf carriers?? .. my husband and i are afraid to have more children in the near future due to our experience w Miah, long hospital stay and hardest part leaving the labor/delivery hospital empty handed :'(


New member
Wow our stories are very similar!!! Im glad to hear shes doing great <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
.. Miah had 59cm removed. I know how hard it is to deal with blowouts 24/7.. i literally spend most of my days in the laundry room.. Miah use to do great with the bottle until she was put on all gbutton, now she gags when she tries. She does great with the applesauce though. Im very excited to start table foods. Just need to take things slow since her gut is sensitive. When was baby Grayson able to get off continuous feeds? Will she still need the gbutton if it isnt being used? Did you and husband know yall were cf carriers?? .. my husband and i are afraid to have more children in the near future due to our experience w Miah, long hospital stay and hardest part leaving the labor/delivery hospital empty handed :'(


New member
There is an online support group at

Our son had 30 cm removed due to MI. His CF doctor mentioned Short Gut to us at his last appointment; hasn't been diagnosed with it yet. He has a G-tube for overnight feeds and eats orally during the day, but he eats very little. Even with the G-tube, it's nearly impossible for him to gain weight.

A few things we found helpful during babyhood... use high quality diapers (Pampers) and use high quality wipes (Pampers Sensitive). We carefully watched/sniffed for full diapers and cleaned up right away. We used Desitin diaper rash ointment at the first sign of a rash, and thankfully, didn't have any problems with that.


New member
There is an online support group at

Our son had 30 cm removed due to MI. His CF doctor mentioned Short Gut to us at his last appointment; hasn't been diagnosed with it yet. He has a G-tube for overnight feeds and eats orally during the day, but he eats very little. Even with the G-tube, it's nearly impossible for him to gain weight.

A few things we found helpful during babyhood... use high quality diapers (Pampers) and use high quality wipes (Pampers Sensitive). We carefully watched/sniffed for full diapers and cleaned up right away. We used Desitin diaper rash ointment at the first sign of a rash, and thankfully, didn't have any problems with that.