have any of you ever participated in a clinical research study? I am debating whether or not i want to do this study on curcumin( i don't know if you have heard of this study). Anyways I went in today to do their first appointment and screening and it was just awful. I had to do this thing called a npc test ( nasal potential chloride) ever heard of it? It was really painful and they stick these prickly little tubes up your nose for like an hour( It sucked bad). and more ivs and things. I just don't know if it's worth it. They pay a little bit of money, but i wouldn't do it for that. I would only do it if i felt like it was a potential treatment and had good prospects, but i am not to confident in it.So I know i may come off as whining, but would any of you do this? Oh yeah and there was this really creepy nurse too, and i really don't want to see him again. Some advice please?