Hi Cindy-
I was at my drs on monday, with my husband, talking about having a baby. I too am in the high 40's and when I am at my best 50% FEV1. We are concerned that my health will decline, and so we sat down with our CF team and spoke.
The general rule of thumb for us, was that pregnancy was not ruled out. My CF dr said he thinks I could handle a pregnancy well, that they do treat lung infections very aggressive and for me, all my numbers are stable. Weight, FEV1, o2 and has been for a few years now. He also told us that it is the after care that we would need to be concerned about. Sleeping, waking up a few times ( or more)at night, all the things that come with a newborn.
My husband was looking for a clear cut answer. He wanted to hear that a baby would not progress the disease. My dr said, that baby or no baby, CF progresses. That it is only something we can decide. And like anything else, it is taking a risk.
He mentioned that he has patients who have a lower pft and get pregnant and do fine. again, it is what we decide as a couple and that he would support any decision we make.
I would love more than anything to be a mom, but I know that my health comes first. We are going to TTC, and see where it takes us. Plus, it will be fun trying!! lol!
This is just our expierence, I hope it helps!
31 NY'er with CF/rD.