Should I still try to have a baby


New member
My husband and I have been trying to have a second baby for over two years. We were just told that our son has mild CF. He only has lung problems, asthma, allergies, ect. We are really just beginning to research this disease, obviously we were in denial for a long time. The doctor told us that there is a 25% chance that any other children we have could have this disease. We are just beginning with dealing with our sons symptoms and do not really know what to expect in the future, should we take the chance that we would be giving this disease to yet another child. We go next week for our gene testing, they want to know where exactly the genes are coming from in respects to my husband and I. Does anyone know if as carriers, if this could be why we are having such a difficult time conceiving to begin with. Our son was a surprise so we don't really know if it was a fluke that we got pregnant with him to begin with. Thanks for your time.


New member
It also took me about 2 years to get pregnant with Kait, she does have CF, we have a younger child together and she does not have CF. The day that i had Alyssa i was to have a tubal but decided not to, i wanted more children , it took me about 8 months later to go in and have the surgery.... that was a hard day for me!!! I really think that you and your husband should do what you feel you need to do. some people will say no way i would never have another child knowing that i could give them this disease, but you know that it is not in our control what illnesses or diseases that our children are born with. I do not think that CF is a death sentence and i want my child to enjoy her life and she does so everyday. Who is to say that our children will not have some other disease ( cancer, heart problems, mental retardation ) My children are beautiful and such a blessing in my life and i am so happy to have them, could never imagine going through this life without them.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I don't think that your carrier statuses have any affect on your ability to get pregnant. My parents only tried for one month before my mom got pregnant with me. As a matter of fact, I've read that carriers of the CF gene have higher fertility rates (and higher intelligence rates).

As far as having another baby with the risk of CF, let me tell you this. I used to get angry whenever I heard of people aborting CF babies, or having prenatal testing. I used to think, 'It's your baby, if you want a perfect baby then maybe another kid isn't for you'. I used to think, well I have CF, and I'm a good kid anyway.

However, as my health has worsened, I've come to the point where I wouldn't wish CF on anyone, not my worst enemy, much less a baby. I seem to have a rougher time with CF than most, despite all of the precautions and all of the treatments I have done religiously. So, as I wouldn't wish CF on anyone, I feel that if parents can afford to do PGD, they should DO IT.
I don't think a family should have no more children afterwards, but if you CAN afford it, why not take as many precautionary measures as possible?
Good luck and glad you found us here. If you have any other questions about your son (even the most seemingly 'dumb' question), ask. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Obviously, this is a very personal choice. There are a lot of things to consider. You need to keep in mind that just becuase your son has been labeled as mild CF you next child may not be as lucky. The other thing to consider is that your sons condition may change and he may require more care. Financial issues and long term care are also concerns.

The possibility of having another child with CF would not deter me from having another child but it's an issue for my husband. Emotionally he doesn't think he could handle it, which I can respect. My mother takes a different stance in that she doesn't believe that you should risk bringing a sick child into the world. I disagree with her on that and second what's already been said, "'It's your baby, if you want a perfect baby then maybe another kid isn't for you". Just make sure you and your husband discuss all the possibilities and are both comfortable with your final decision.

Good luck!


New member
Wether or not you have another child is entirely up to you and your husband. I think you are strugling with the fact that you already have 1 child with CF and there is a 25% chance that your next child will have CF.

Emotionaly you have to decide if you could handle getting the CF news a second time?

Dave 30 w/cf


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Where have you fallen off the face of the earth to? Is all well with you? I haven't seen you for a looooooooooooooooonnng time and was hoping all was well with you.



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well i was 10 weeks pregnant when my 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with cf........thankfully she was fine she didnt have cf and is not a carrier........and we were told at the time the gene my husband carried somtimes mad the male carrier infertile, but that wasnt the case for him
Its a realy hard one this, i also would like more children but i wouldnt like to take the risk....if i new my daughter had cf before i was pregnant then i would have been scared to try.
so i was lucky the way it turned out because iv got 2 lovely daughters


New member
I think the decision is up to the individual. But you should keep in mind that just because the child you have now does not have major symptoms that does not mean a furture child will have it so mild, it could be worse for your next child.