is it possible you have thrush? I sometimes get that from IV meds and when I do my throat hurts horribly.
Also if you have caught some type of viral thing antibiotics wouldn't take care of that anyhow.
It has happened to me before too getting sick right after IVs sucks big time, normally for me it is because some dufus that I know is sick when I get off IVs and doesn't say anything when I hang out with them. Then I end up catching whatever it is they had. Now I make an announcement to everyone I know when I get off IVs - "if you have a cold tell me because I don't want to see you - if you have a cold and say nothing and I get sick because of you ... I reserve the right to beat you to death" lol people act like I am joking, but since I started saying that people make sure to tell me if they are sick when I am just getting off IVs lol.
I hope you start feeling better and that this is just some viral thing that stays viral and doesn't turn into more of a lung involved thing.
Happy Holidays and take Care,