New member
After a tx do you still have CF? I mean you have "new" lungs but not a "new" digestive sysem etc. So do the "new" lungs just prolong life? Call me a dumby, just curious. My son is only 3 yrs old, so somewhat still new to ALL this, although he ws dx @ 2 months old. Still would like to know, he's lungs are , to me in bad shape already....lower left lobe extremly damaged & both top lobes midly damaged. He has been in the hospital 5x since birth the shortest being 2 days after a bronch & the longest being 14 days for one of many "tune ups". He's been on home ivs most every visit from the hosptial..... Just wondering too has anyone started out like this & somewhat improved? ( i know this is a progressive diesease, just looking for hope. Also has cultured for MRSA 2x & pseudamous (sp) has had pnuemonia 2x
Leah~mommy 2 Reece 3 w/ CF <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


No you don't have CF in the lungs, the lungs are CF free. But that doesn't mean that you don't have CF. I had a tx, yet I still have digestive problems, sinus problems, etc.


New member
since our bodies are always producing mucous, doesnt the lungs just fill up again? Im not getting the whole Cf free in the lungs, even though they are new lungs. Leah<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
CF is carried in the DNA. So even if you get mucus-y lungs, or bacteria in there, they're still not going to be CF lungs because they do NOT have CF DNA. You see what I mean? You will still likely have some problems because of the immuno-suppressants (those allow bacteria to get in), but it's not the same thing as CF.


New member
The CF lungs are gone forever....
I guess the question is.."What produces the mucous?"

Healthy people have mucous, but it is thin and their celia moves it out.... CFers on the other hand have thick mucous and the celia cannot move it... it has to do with the salt.

My new lungs are great... I rarely cough, and if there is any mucous.... it is easy to clear, but that happens maybe once every month I might cough to get mucous out...I think sometimes I cough less than people with healthy lungs.

Joanne Schum


New member
<img src="i/expressions/light.gif" border="0"> DING, DING, DING......The DNA sold me... I dont know where my brain was.....LOL... I totally understand now!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It would be nice if you ALL could get new lungs if it was that easy...but I know you go through ALOT to get those new lungs!!! Thanks guys for getting me through my "brain fart"!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">
Leah~mommy 2 Reece w/CF


New member
So in other words - if ever I need a lung transplant - I'll never have to worry about getting CF in my lungs again? I never knew that surprisingly enough. Its not something I've ever had to concern myself with knowing.


New member
I'm going to piggy back on this silly question topic and mine is so silly that I'm not even going to sign my name.
Basically with CF the lungs fill with scar tissue over time & that's what does us in, right?
I told a friend this and hoped I understood my own disease correctly.


New member
Scar tissue... and mucus. The scar tissue destroys good lung tissue and the mucus fills up the rest, so that often we die of carbon dioxide poisoning / lack of oxygen.


New member
Just the thought of that scares the crap out of me<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">