Singles Club


New member
AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent.

I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I could send him to a deserted island with no food or water all my woos would be gone. He is the amplification of uncaring self centered buttwipes, the King of the ME ME people.

When Vivian was 5 he called and I couldn't believe my ears when he asked "is she eating soil food yet" what a boob, now at 10 he tried to get her a Dora doll. The man needs CLUE on what his daughter is and even more than that he needs a reality check that the sun didn't just come up for his pleasure.

WOW its good to vent

Any way I am interested in getting to know everyone and maybe start out own little club of sort.

( I edited this a bit I realizes that I was a bit harsh)


New member
AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent.

I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I could send him to a deserted island with no food or water all my woos would be gone. He is the amplification of uncaring self centered buttwipes, the King of the ME ME people.

When Vivian was 5 he called and I couldn't believe my ears when he asked "is she eating soil food yet" what a boob, now at 10 he tried to get her a Dora doll. The man needs CLUE on what his daughter is and even more than that he needs a reality check that the sun didn't just come up for his pleasure.

WOW its good to vent

Any way I am interested in getting to know everyone and maybe start out own little club of sort.

( I edited this a bit I realizes that I was a bit harsh)


New member
AWW I hope this topic didn't raise to many eye brows. I was just setting out a feeler to see how many single CF parents are out there and if they care to share their thought about it, and suggestion on how to handle that absent parent.

I for one get so frustrated that I believe that if I could send him to a deserted island with no food or water all my woos would be gone. He is the amplification of uncaring self centered buttwipes, the King of the ME ME people.

When Vivian was 5 he called and I couldn't believe my ears when he asked "is she eating soil food yet" what a boob, now at 10 he tried to get her a Dora doll. The man needs CLUE on what his daughter is and even more than that he needs a reality check that the sun didn't just come up for his pleasure.

WOW its good to vent

Any way I am interested in getting to know everyone and maybe start out own little club of sort.

( I edited this a bit I realizes that I was a bit harsh)


New member
I agree wholeheartedly!! Island might even be too good for my ex, but oh well, it is his loss. I'm not single anymore, but I was for many years. It was very tough on us, but we made it and we are stronger for it. My husband now is a great dad to my boys, and they consider him their DAD. Their FATHER is just someone they used to know AND an example of what not to be!!

Hang in there



New member
I agree wholeheartedly!! Island might even be too good for my ex, but oh well, it is his loss. I'm not single anymore, but I was for many years. It was very tough on us, but we made it and we are stronger for it. My husband now is a great dad to my boys, and they consider him their DAD. Their FATHER is just someone they used to know AND an example of what not to be!!

Hang in there



New member
I agree wholeheartedly!! Island might even be too good for my ex, but oh well, it is his loss. I'm not single anymore, but I was for many years. It was very tough on us, but we made it and we are stronger for it. My husband now is a great dad to my boys, and they consider him their DAD. Their FATHER is just someone they used to know AND an example of what not to be!!

Hang in there



New member
I'm in the club. I have been a single parent for 12 years now!!

I would love to send my ex to that island too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

He could never handle changing Kjs nappies (never even tried) He never did her physio (EVER)

Never helped me with anything!!! Never paid maintenence, except when they caught up with him once, but he has eluded them again (He's been working cash in hand or he quits work when they catch up to him)

Now that the hard years are over and Kj can do stuff herself, he is trying to butt his way in again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm in the club. I have been a single parent for 12 years now!!

I would love to send my ex to that island too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

He could never handle changing Kjs nappies (never even tried) He never did her physio (EVER)

Never helped me with anything!!! Never paid maintenence, except when they caught up with him once, but he has eluded them again (He's been working cash in hand or he quits work when they catch up to him)

Now that the hard years are over and Kj can do stuff herself, he is trying to butt his way in again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm in the club. I have been a single parent for 12 years now!!

I would love to send my ex to that island too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

He could never handle changing Kjs nappies (never even tried) He never did her physio (EVER)

Never helped me with anything!!! Never paid maintenence, except when they caught up with him once, but he has eluded them again (He's been working cash in hand or he quits work when they catch up to him)

Now that the hard years are over and Kj can do stuff herself, he is trying to butt his way in again <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Viviansmom, take it from me you can never be too harsh when it comes to venting about errant fathers. As a father, and I would like to say a very caring father, it bugs me to see other fathers being, well for want of a better saying, crap dads.


New member
Viviansmom, take it from me you can never be too harsh when it comes to venting about errant fathers. As a father, and I would like to say a very caring father, it bugs me to see other fathers being, well for want of a better saying, crap dads.


New member
Viviansmom, take it from me you can never be too harsh when it comes to venting about errant fathers. As a father, and I would like to say a very caring father, it bugs me to see other fathers being, well for want of a better saying, crap dads.


New member
mum2kj, mine was never ordered to pay anything because her our system is screwed up, he owns a business but because him and I both draw our SS (due to a disability) he doesn't have to pay child support because Vivian is on mine. So this @#*@#*! walks scot free without a care in the world. He doesn't even bother with Holidays like Christmas, her B-day ect....... but he got put out because he didn't get a fathers day gift from her. She told him when she fount a father she would buy him a gift.

Vivian is this butts second CFer he had a daughter that past away Nov. 05, that he never once laid eyes on her mother moved to Florida when she was expecting and even though he knew she had CF he never bothered to try and visits her, she was 22.

The thing I have thought to do to this man could be really scary. I think the worst of it was when she was in ICU I tried to get a hold of him for 5 days and them he finally called me back and right away went to talking about himself and that how he needed to go to the market but he didn't have away (a drunk driving charge lost his licenses) so he asked me to come take him said I needed a break. I was so mad that I lost it on him I was screaming in the phone to the point the nurse came in and asked me if I was OK. This man hasn't a clue of what his daughter has or will go threw.

Hats off to you dyza your family is truly blessed with your love and devotion.


New member
mum2kj, mine was never ordered to pay anything because her our system is screwed up, he owns a business but because him and I both draw our SS (due to a disability) he doesn't have to pay child support because Vivian is on mine. So this @#*@#*! walks scot free without a care in the world. He doesn't even bother with Holidays like Christmas, her B-day ect....... but he got put out because he didn't get a fathers day gift from her. She told him when she fount a father she would buy him a gift.

Vivian is this butts second CFer he had a daughter that past away Nov. 05, that he never once laid eyes on her mother moved to Florida when she was expecting and even though he knew she had CF he never bothered to try and visits her, she was 22.

The thing I have thought to do to this man could be really scary. I think the worst of it was when she was in ICU I tried to get a hold of him for 5 days and them he finally called me back and right away went to talking about himself and that how he needed to go to the market but he didn't have away (a drunk driving charge lost his licenses) so he asked me to come take him said I needed a break. I was so mad that I lost it on him I was screaming in the phone to the point the nurse came in and asked me if I was OK. This man hasn't a clue of what his daughter has or will go threw.

Hats off to you dyza your family is truly blessed with your love and devotion.


New member
mum2kj, mine was never ordered to pay anything because her our system is screwed up, he owns a business but because him and I both draw our SS (due to a disability) he doesn't have to pay child support because Vivian is on mine. So this @#*@#*! walks scot free without a care in the world. He doesn't even bother with Holidays like Christmas, her B-day ect....... but he got put out because he didn't get a fathers day gift from her. She told him when she fount a father she would buy him a gift.

Vivian is this butts second CFer he had a daughter that past away Nov. 05, that he never once laid eyes on her mother moved to Florida when she was expecting and even though he knew she had CF he never bothered to try and visits her, she was 22.

The thing I have thought to do to this man could be really scary. I think the worst of it was when she was in ICU I tried to get a hold of him for 5 days and them he finally called me back and right away went to talking about himself and that how he needed to go to the market but he didn't have away (a drunk driving charge lost his licenses) so he asked me to come take him said I needed a break. I was so mad that I lost it on him I was screaming in the phone to the point the nurse came in and asked me if I was OK. This man hasn't a clue of what his daughter has or will go threw.

Hats off to you dyza your family is truly blessed with your love and devotion.


New member
My ex decided long ago that he would have no contact with his two boys after we divorced and he remarried. The hurt that he put my boys through, especially my older cf son, was just terrible. After my older son passed away in 2005 I decided that I would contact him to tell him about his son's passing, why should he live his life thinking that everything was ok with his sons and not feel the hurt and pain that I was going through.

He started to cry on the phone and told me he never thought anything would have happened to him as he thought things were so much better nowadays with regards to meds and life expectancy etc. He was so sorry over what had happened blah, blah, blah............

I have the most treasured, wonderful memories of my son..... my ex? he has nothing.


New member
My ex decided long ago that he would have no contact with his two boys after we divorced and he remarried. The hurt that he put my boys through, especially my older cf son, was just terrible. After my older son passed away in 2005 I decided that I would contact him to tell him about his son's passing, why should he live his life thinking that everything was ok with his sons and not feel the hurt and pain that I was going through.

He started to cry on the phone and told me he never thought anything would have happened to him as he thought things were so much better nowadays with regards to meds and life expectancy etc. He was so sorry over what had happened blah, blah, blah............

I have the most treasured, wonderful memories of my son..... my ex? he has nothing.


New member
My ex decided long ago that he would have no contact with his two boys after we divorced and he remarried. The hurt that he put my boys through, especially my older cf son, was just terrible. After my older son passed away in 2005 I decided that I would contact him to tell him about his son's passing, why should he live his life thinking that everything was ok with his sons and not feel the hurt and pain that I was going through.

He started to cry on the phone and told me he never thought anything would have happened to him as he thought things were so much better nowadays with regards to meds and life expectancy etc. He was so sorry over what had happened blah, blah, blah............

I have the most treasured, wonderful memories of my son..... my ex? he has nothing.


New member
Thats how I feel about my ex, he has no memoriesand will never have any , Vivian is old enough now that she does want anything from him or to do with him.


New member
Thats how I feel about my ex, he has no memoriesand will never have any , Vivian is old enough now that she does want anything from him or to do with him.