Sinus Question


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Our daughter is almost 3 yrs old and was diangosed at 2 months. Since Jan. she has been having a sinus problem. Her nose will get full of mucus. After about 2 weeks she starts a cough. We keep putting her on antibiotics and within 48 hrs the sinus issue starts again. This time it was a 10 day dose and it came back on the 8th day of treatment. The clinic nurse told us to extend the antibiotics so that she doesn't get a secondary infection. We are doing therapy 2x per day and we are at a loss. We don't want to leave her on antibiotics all the time. The clinic dr. said she didn't see any polyps but we haven't seen an ENT yet.Our respirologist is at the CF conference and won't be back until next week. Any tips on how to relieve her. She is uncomfortable and I need tips on how to help her until we can talk to the head respirologist.Thanks.


New member
Hi - my son is 5 and he has similar issues. We use ocean (saline) nose spray and push fluids to keep things moving. If she likes a little spice in her food, this can help to keep the secretions moving also. A warm bath, as well as running around, loosens the secretions up and they can blow it out easier. We used to use flonase also. We were at the same point you are this past winter and the dr. put him on two weeks on/two weeks off of TOBI. The next step was going to be a sinus nebulizer. We lucked out with the TOBI; it worked like a charm. Jason has not cultured pseud. in a couple of years, however the TOBI worked. When he does get a sinus infection, we always do 21 days of the antibiotic or at least 2 courses. He has not ever had just a cold; it always turns. At night, he sleeps on a wedge/incline and this seems to help everything drain. Oh also, the vest does seem to help even with the sinus'; sort of shakes it out and he can blow it out. Very often, there is so much draining down his throat, that he throws up, as he is not yet very good at spitting it out - at least he gets rid of it. One more thing, it also seems to keep things moving, when he swims/plays in the pool. Hope some of these ideas help; it is so hard to watch them struggle. Take Care. Jo Ann


New member
Hi, I have a 7yr old with CF and we have been haveing the sinus problems for a while now. In Oct 2002 the CF DR. found a polip in the left side of his nose and in April a larger one in the right. June 6 2003 he had them removed and is able to breath so much better now. Now I dont kow if thats what is starting iwht yours but it worth looking into. Farrah CAudell mother of Alex Stamper


New member
Thank you for replying to me. After continually telling the CF team, which I have full confidence in, that I didn't agree with their treatments I went to see my pediatrician. He thought is was a sinus infection, not related to CF, and changed her antibiotics. She had been on Ceftin since January and he switched her to Biaxin. The symptoms were gone after 3 doses, and she has been on Ceftin for 6 months (on and off). She will take them for 10 days but I am confident the issue is resolved. Sometimes it pays to see a family dr. that thinks outside of the CF box because not everything is related.