When DS was first diagnosed he seemed to get nasty yellow boogies, nasal congestion. He was treated for a couple of ear infections and a sinus infection. When he was almost two I took him to his CF doctor in the City in the spring and he seemed concerned with his nasal congestion, drainage, I said, I guess I thought it was normal -- that most kids had nasty yellow boogery noses all winter long -- wrong - he had a sinus infection. Doctor prescribed augmentin for 20 days to knock on the sinus infection once an for all -- if that didn't work, they'd try something else. Didn't I know that his sinus infection could get into his lungs and cause an upper respiratory infection. The antibiotics got rid of it once and for all -- other than a few minor head cold, sinus issues -- he hasn't had a major sinus problem since. We also use simply saline when he starts to get stuff.