sinus surgery


New member
uuuuggghhh. This is one of those threads that I wish I hadn't clicked on! LOL

Emily has a sinus CT scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow. It is considered pre-surgical. She will likely have surgery done somtime in June.

I am dreading the hospitalization and her not feeling good for a few days after. But, I'm glad to know how you guys feel about it so I know what to expect. And, I'm very glad that you are all happy with the effects.

Can someone give a little more information about the rinses you do afterward? Saline rinse? Neti-pot thing? Perscription?



New member
uuuuggghhh. This is one of those threads that I wish I hadn't clicked on! LOL

Emily has a sinus CT scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow. It is considered pre-surgical. She will likely have surgery done somtime in June.

I am dreading the hospitalization and her not feeling good for a few days after. But, I'm glad to know how you guys feel about it so I know what to expect. And, I'm very glad that you are all happy with the effects.

Can someone give a little more information about the rinses you do afterward? Saline rinse? Neti-pot thing? Perscription?



New member
uuuuggghhh. This is one of those threads that I wish I hadn't clicked on! LOL

Emily has a sinus CT scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow. It is considered pre-surgical. She will likely have surgery done somtime in June.

I am dreading the hospitalization and her not feeling good for a few days after. But, I'm glad to know how you guys feel about it so I know what to expect. And, I'm very glad that you are all happy with the effects.

Can someone give a little more information about the rinses you do afterward? Saline rinse? Neti-pot thing? Perscription?



New member
uuuuggghhh. This is one of those threads that I wish I hadn't clicked on! LOL

Emily has a sinus CT scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow. It is considered pre-surgical. She will likely have surgery done somtime in June.

I am dreading the hospitalization and her not feeling good for a few days after. But, I'm glad to know how you guys feel about it so I know what to expect. And, I'm very glad that you are all happy with the effects.

Can someone give a little more information about the rinses you do afterward? Saline rinse? Neti-pot thing? Perscription?



New member
uuuuggghhh. This is one of those threads that I wish I hadn't clicked on! LOL
<br />
<br />Emily has a sinus CT scheduled for 8:00 am tomorrow. It is considered pre-surgical. She will likely have surgery done somtime in June.
<br />
<br />I am dreading the hospitalization and her not feeling good for a few days after. But, I'm glad to know how you guys feel about it so I know what to expect. And, I'm very glad that you are all happy with the effects.
<br />
<br />Can someone give a little more information about the rinses you do afterward? Saline rinse? Neti-pot thing? Perscription?
<br />
<br />Thanks!


New member
Thanks for the feedback- He just had a CT scan this morning so we are waiting to hear back about the results. Yea I had no clue what they were talking about doing. They just said something about his mucus running down into his lungs and doing surgery to fix that.
Again thanks for the info and if anyone has anymore I would love to hear it.

spouse of 27 yr old CFer


New member
Thanks for the feedback- He just had a CT scan this morning so we are waiting to hear back about the results. Yea I had no clue what they were talking about doing. They just said something about his mucus running down into his lungs and doing surgery to fix that.
Again thanks for the info and if anyone has anymore I would love to hear it.

spouse of 27 yr old CFer


New member
Thanks for the feedback- He just had a CT scan this morning so we are waiting to hear back about the results. Yea I had no clue what they were talking about doing. They just said something about his mucus running down into his lungs and doing surgery to fix that.
Again thanks for the info and if anyone has anymore I would love to hear it.

spouse of 27 yr old CFer


New member
Thanks for the feedback- He just had a CT scan this morning so we are waiting to hear back about the results. Yea I had no clue what they were talking about doing. They just said something about his mucus running down into his lungs and doing surgery to fix that.
Again thanks for the info and if anyone has anymore I would love to hear it.

spouse of 27 yr old CFer


New member
Thanks for the feedback- He just had a CT scan this morning so we are waiting to hear back about the results. Yea I had no clue what they were talking about doing. They just said something about his mucus running down into his lungs and doing surgery to fix that.
<br />Again thanks for the info and if anyone has anymore I would love to hear it.
<br />
<br />Kendra
<br />spouse of 27 yr old CFer


New member
I have had 2, and will get the third soon.
I would definitely recommend a surgeon who uses the 3D/image guided endoscopic surgery.
It allows them to be more thorough, and more careful in navigating the skull.

Eric is right, chunks do come out after surgery. If I don't irrigate frequently, and start up again, chunks will come out then too.
This proves the surgery worked in opening my passages for clearance.
I use saline in an adult size bulb syringe (Walgreens) because I need more pressure than a neti pot. I bought the Grossan pulsating nasal irrigator, but it doesnt even work as well as the bulb syringe. I do replace them often bc you cant clean them out.

I was also prescribed to mix up pulmicort and gentimycin and irrigate with that.

Check out more info below, this surgeon has helped me tremendously, and is actually the one who diagnosed my CF after doing surgery.
So I am forever grateful.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
I have had 2, and will get the third soon.
I would definitely recommend a surgeon who uses the 3D/image guided endoscopic surgery.
It allows them to be more thorough, and more careful in navigating the skull.

Eric is right, chunks do come out after surgery. If I don't irrigate frequently, and start up again, chunks will come out then too.
This proves the surgery worked in opening my passages for clearance.
I use saline in an adult size bulb syringe (Walgreens) because I need more pressure than a neti pot. I bought the Grossan pulsating nasal irrigator, but it doesnt even work as well as the bulb syringe. I do replace them often bc you cant clean them out.

I was also prescribed to mix up pulmicort and gentimycin and irrigate with that.

Check out more info below, this surgeon has helped me tremendously, and is actually the one who diagnosed my CF after doing surgery.
So I am forever grateful.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
I have had 2, and will get the third soon.
I would definitely recommend a surgeon who uses the 3D/image guided endoscopic surgery.
It allows them to be more thorough, and more careful in navigating the skull.

Eric is right, chunks do come out after surgery. If I don't irrigate frequently, and start up again, chunks will come out then too.
This proves the surgery worked in opening my passages for clearance.
I use saline in an adult size bulb syringe (Walgreens) because I need more pressure than a neti pot. I bought the Grossan pulsating nasal irrigator, but it doesnt even work as well as the bulb syringe. I do replace them often bc you cant clean them out.

I was also prescribed to mix up pulmicort and gentimycin and irrigate with that.

Check out more info below, this surgeon has helped me tremendously, and is actually the one who diagnosed my CF after doing surgery.
So I am forever grateful.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
I have had 2, and will get the third soon.
I would definitely recommend a surgeon who uses the 3D/image guided endoscopic surgery.
It allows them to be more thorough, and more careful in navigating the skull.

Eric is right, chunks do come out after surgery. If I don't irrigate frequently, and start up again, chunks will come out then too.
This proves the surgery worked in opening my passages for clearance.
I use saline in an adult size bulb syringe (Walgreens) because I need more pressure than a neti pot. I bought the Grossan pulsating nasal irrigator, but it doesnt even work as well as the bulb syringe. I do replace them often bc you cant clean them out.

I was also prescribed to mix up pulmicort and gentimycin and irrigate with that.

Check out more info below, this surgeon has helped me tremendously, and is actually the one who diagnosed my CF after doing surgery.
So I am forever grateful.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
I have had 2, and will get the third soon.
<br />I would definitely recommend a surgeon who uses the 3D/image guided endoscopic surgery.
<br />It allows them to be more thorough, and more careful in navigating the skull.
<br />
<br />Eric is right, chunks do come out after surgery. If I don't irrigate frequently, and start up again, chunks will come out then too.
<br />This proves the surgery worked in opening my passages for clearance.
<br />I use saline in an adult size bulb syringe (Walgreens) because I need more pressure than a neti pot. I bought the Grossan pulsating nasal irrigator, but it doesnt even work as well as the bulb syringe. I do replace them often bc you cant clean them out.
<br />
<br />I was also prescribed to mix up pulmicort and gentimycin and irrigate with that.
<br />
<br />Check out more info below, this surgeon has helped me tremendously, and is actually the one who diagnosed my CF after doing surgery.
<br />So I am forever grateful.
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a><br />
<br />


New member
So the doc said that the sinus surgery would prevent stuff from going down his throat into his lungs? My sinuses are supposedly way open and I still have stuff go from my sinuses to my lungs. I wonder if they are doing something different surgery wise than they were doing 13 years ago when I last had my pollyps removed. Did some of you have sinus surgery that didn't have to do with pollyp removal?


New member
So the doc said that the sinus surgery would prevent stuff from going down his throat into his lungs? My sinuses are supposedly way open and I still have stuff go from my sinuses to my lungs. I wonder if they are doing something different surgery wise than they were doing 13 years ago when I last had my pollyps removed. Did some of you have sinus surgery that didn't have to do with pollyp removal?


New member
So the doc said that the sinus surgery would prevent stuff from going down his throat into his lungs? My sinuses are supposedly way open and I still have stuff go from my sinuses to my lungs. I wonder if they are doing something different surgery wise than they were doing 13 years ago when I last had my pollyps removed. Did some of you have sinus surgery that didn't have to do with pollyp removal?


New member
So the doc said that the sinus surgery would prevent stuff from going down his throat into his lungs? My sinuses are supposedly way open and I still have stuff go from my sinuses to my lungs. I wonder if they are doing something different surgery wise than they were doing 13 years ago when I last had my pollyps removed. Did some of you have sinus surgery that didn't have to do with pollyp removal?


New member
So the doc said that the sinus surgery would prevent stuff from going down his throat into his lungs? My sinuses are supposedly way open and I still have stuff go from my sinuses to my lungs. I wonder if they are doing something different surgery wise than they were doing 13 years ago when I last had my pollyps removed. Did some of you have sinus surgery that didn't have to do with pollyp removal?