Growing up I never had many sinus i do remember having a polyp and my doctor warned that the surgery could be life threatning? Meaning the mucus could go to the brain and i could die?..that bein said weve been not so keen to jump on here seems last couple years i been getting alot of sinus pressure, ears ringing, and tht smell and nasty hard clumps back my throat i always gag its so distgusting!..but im wandering if im reinfecting my lungs and that why im more sick often?..if so im highly considering sinus surgery! Because i cant afford to be losing anymore lung function an i also have just started pulmonary rehab and intense lung exercising soo wandering really if the sinus surgery is all that dangerous..i know obviosly with any procedure theres risks but i want to know how many cf people have this done <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">