smell of smoke


New member
If someone smokes outside and then comes inside after they finish, does the smell of smoke bother any of you or are you affected by coughing, ect. by the smell?


New member
I actually kinda like it when it's high-quality tobacco. But tons of people smoke the WORST-tasting crap imaginable. I sometimes wonder how they've managed to kill off their gag reflex so completely. Unless I'm really up close, or in an enclosed space with them, I'm not bothered by it though.


New member
I am a college student and every once in a while someone will sit next to me after they were smoking. I do not usually cough, BUT I get soooo tight in my chest. Kinda like an asthma attack. Its way worse if they are actually smoking...I was studying outside the other day and this man came outside to smoke and then threw his cigarette near me on the ground....grrrrr that made me cough until I stomped it out. I am really sensitive to smoke...I kinda assumed all CFers were, but maybe not...


New member
so i have a question?... Iam a smoker and i NEVER smoke around Gracie, yet i do come in from smoking and hold her or do somethig with her......and i havent noticed the smell to bother her, but should i be looking for signs, and if so what kind? if anyone would know; seeing as how she is so young and its hard to tell


New member
It bother me too, most of my friends smoke and there have been times when the smell has almost started a cough.

Dave 30 w/cf



the smell of smoke stays on you, there is no avoiding it. Even though you are trying to sheild your daughter from the smoke she is still being exposed. If you would like to quit I could offer some helpful hints.



New member
Alicia, It might not bother her now; I don't remember it bothering me as much when I was younger, but As your daughter gets older it probably will.


New member
While being around smokers while they are smoking bothers me, being around a person who has the smell on them (like if they were at a smoking restaurant or whatever) doesn't nbother me, maybe beccause of my awful sense of smell


New member
The smoke may not bother you but she is haveing a harder time breatheing than you her lungs are not as good as your should be. And smoking will only hurt you and HER . She needs her mother and you need to protect her and raise her to pretect herself from things that will be harmfull to her health.


New member
I know it will be hard, but you really have to quit for your daughter. Being around smoke will only make things worse. When I am in a room with a smoker (I mean if they are smoking near me) I would sometimes have such a bad reaction that I would cough up blood. I pretty much avoid being around smokers like the plague now.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>NoDayButToday</b></i><br>While being around smokers while they are smoking bothers me, being around a person who has the smell on them (like if they were at a smoking restaurant or whatever) doesn't nbother me, maybe beccause of my awful sense of smell<hr></blockquote>

Actually, i usually can't smell it, either. It's usually a feeling I get of my lungs getting tight and it burns a little bit to breathe. When I do smell it, all the worse.

On a side note, I was in National Jewish last week for an appoinment, and some guy came in REEKING of ciggarettes. He was there to check his wife in for something. Not CF, fortunately, so i didn't have to deal with it for long, but it was still bad enough to make my eyes water.


New member
thank you everyone. i really appreciate your feedback and advice. I suppose i could quit- for her. the reason i havent quit is becaue i didnt have a reason to (if anyone out there smokes you would understand) its mostly a phsycological deal, and only a piece of actually being addicted to the nicotine. Its just the thought of smoking, and ALWAYS thinking about your next cigarette, and not really caring enough to quit. For me- theres got to be a reason. Like Gracie- is almost 3 months old, and i just started smoking again, i smoked prior for about 3 years, yet throughout my entire pregnancy i didnt smoke-Because i had a reason not to.
And it was so easy!!!! Its like the thought of it harming her, was totally bigger than my nicotine fix.
So thank you everyone for your input, because knowing that just the smell of the smoke on me could still harm her or bother her, gives me a reason not to- And im most definatly going to work on not smoking period!!!!
And im so excited by the way!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Most definitely a reason to stop smoking! If she could speak now, I am sure she would say Thanks!! Good Luck to you and let us know how it goes!


New member
One quick note not related to CF but still could effect your daughter--I lost my father last year to lung cancer which spread to his bones. He was a long time smoker who "never had a good reason to quit". He was diagnosed in August 2003 and died January 2, 2004 (not even 5 months after the diagnoses) eight weeks after his third grandchild was born. I no longer have a father, my mother no longer has a husband, and my children no longer have a grandpa. Do you want your daughter to have to watch you suffer until the end of your life just because you had to have that last cigarette? She needs you healthy to help her with her fight against CF--she needs you. YOU CAN DO IT! Don't just do it for your daughter, do it for you. You deserve it. :)