
New member
I don't think Mini's been checking the forums as regularly, so I figured I'd let you know. I talk to him all the time, and he didn't take that post negatively. He knew it was a compliment on his maturity, and as far as I could tell, he appreciated it. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh I certainly believe that smokers have rights!! They have the right to buy their cigarrettes and smoke them. They have the right to pollute their lungs and jeopardize their onw health.

They do NOT however, have the right to pollute MY lungs and jeopardize MY health!

Anonymous, I see a HUGE problem when so-called "smoker's rights" impose on the rights of everyone else. And this occurs when we are forced to "go to a different establishment" to avoid the smoke! In the real world, this is not always an option! Each bar/restaurant allows smoke, so where am I supposed to go?

Now, if we take away these coveted "smoker's rights", the smokers will still be able to go to the restaurants and bars, but when it is time to light up, they may have to step outside. I think that sounde pretty fair, since it is their choice to smoke in the first place!


New member
Emily- thanks for helping explain my point, that's exactly what I was trying to say!

Coll, I agree with you 100%. Smokers can have all the rights they want right up until they start infringing on everyone else's health!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I have CF, hate smoking, but strongly belive in personal freedoms, smoking (unfortunately) being one of them.

It's all about taking personal responsibility. If you don't want to dine or have drinks in a smoky bar or restaurant, go to a different establishment. Secondly, restaurants and bars are 99.9% of the time PRIVATELY OWNED. So if they choose to allow or disallow smoking for the benefit of a particular customer base, then that's thier choice.

If getting on smokers' cases is acceptable, why not get on every single person who drives a car, or every factory that pumps out huge quantities of pollution into the air on a daily basis.<hr></blockquote>

Okay, which is more important, allowing people the freedom to smoke, or allowing people the freedom to breathe clean air? It's one freedom or another, you can't have them both.

I agree about going to a different establishment, though. if a company wants to have indoor smoking then they can go screw themselves. They're not getting any money from me, anyway.

22 w/cf


New member
Ha, ha, I just realized how stupid that sounded. Like any resaurant is going to care about missing the few measley bucks I have to spend. What I was actually getting at, is if other restaurants have the integrity to ban inside smoking, and one restaurant is a snake and allows smoking, then i'm gonna libel and slander that restaurant up and down the street. =-)


New member
Oh, yeah, and I'll probably throw a rock or two through their window. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">

I'll just tell the police, "Hey, I saw it was all smoky in there, so i thought they needed some fresh air. You know, like an emergency." =-)
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> ill admit...when i found out i had the eh..i cant pernounce it ( know what im talking about...with the Tobi and Pulmo stuff) i saw no reason to live i started do it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
thenagain...i was always depressed....and im just telling you this (for people who have CF who have wanted to try) the first time...nothing happens...2nd time nothing happens...its deffinatly not noticable but dont take the will get the thought in your head "what the hell is so bad about this?! im still fine!!!" and continue to do it...some of you might think im just a waste of breath and all of you know this all honesty...I KNEW THIS TOO! i still did it! and i bet there are quite a few of you out there who want to try.... -shrugs- listen if you want...if you dont...ill be quiet...


New member
Gosh. Its funny, I've had pseudemonas since I was 3 so I've really always had it. I caught it from the hospital. Back then they thought that it was a great idea to put 5 or 6 kids in a small room, and do their physio, all together! So thats how I caught it. Some of the other kids had it. My mom was very upset about this as she had argued with the hospital and tried to tell them that it wasnt right that this sort of thing should be going on!


New member
Yeah back then they didn't know any better. I was never hospitalized over night for a tune up until I was 16, but I used to go CF Christmas parties and stuff when I was little. Before they figured out the cross-contamination problem, they used to stick all the CF kids in one room to hang out. The parents would chat, talk about their kids, etc. In truth, I don't regret any of it. I mean, granted, the bacteria is a problem, but I had some awesome CF friends when I was little.

It's such a personal decision. There are people on both sides of it. People who would say, sure go meet a CFer. And people who would say, no way in hell. I'm more towards the former, but can see why both sides make sense. My main problem with the idea of meeting a CFer right now is not my getting sick... but me passing along any of my pseudomonas, staph, or MRSA to them. Heh.

That was totally random and irrelevant... I don't know why I typed any of it. Hah. Oh well. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah but all of us were having are thumping done in a REALLY small space, I'm talking real crampped! My mom was like surely its common knowledge that if you have a head cold you don't go and cough in somebody's face. They told her she was been over protective of me! Ah well what happens happens, but I always wander would my life be any different had I not got this Sudi thing so young!