

New member
I find that really strong perfume chokes me up more than cigarette smoke, though. Sometimes when i go for runs along the lake, and pass someone with purfume, I choke up and feel like vomiting for a few seconds.

I can smoke or be around smoke and i don't get that feeling. It's weird


New member

I have a NO SMOKING Rule at my
house and in my car,,,

No Matter Who comes over, thay Can't
Smoke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I am not going to live forever,
BUT , I do want to Live as Long as I can !!

I think that most of Your Friends and Family
Will be Understand that the Smoking is Bad for Your Child,,,,

Truth is, the less they smoke, the better for them as well : )


New member
Zoey, When I was younger smoke didn't really effect me - not that I could tell anyways. Now it bothers me and I try my hardest not to be around it. I was surrounded by smoke a few months back when I went on vacation to Italy. You can't away from it there and it ended up messing me up a bit and I couldn't seem to regain the same airway clearance I had before the trip. I'm doing better now but it took a while. Just fyi. Hope everyone's comments help. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I didn't read all the posts to be honest, sorry guys its late, I'll read them tomorrow!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
But my thoughts are that you can find a sweet, polite but firm way to adress this issue. It comes up in most families. And the loving family will do what they have to do to keep their granddaughter/neice/cousin alive and healthy! Just make sure they know the seriousness of her illness, then they'll take you serious.

There will likely be times when you may have to be very firm, ok let's say rude-but it's really not being rude. Its protecting your kid! In this case its serious. When I go around smokers, I choke. And it can have an impact if its a continuous thing. As a young child I was in a bad situation and unfortunately lived with smokers till I was 7 or so. The bulk of my irreversible lung damage so far is from those first 7 years, the doctors have said. And thats a big deal!

You'll manage-and FYI, I wouldn't go into a smokers home either. It makes me feel horrible and sometimes lays me up for a day or so. I actually had a visting nurse who was a smoker, obviously not in or near my home!-but you could smell it on her breath and clothes. Ew! And I had to complain about it b/c when she would lean in close to take my blood pressure/check my Iv, ect I"d start to cough.



If you have family members at your home, I don't think it would be rude to ask them to step outside if they want to smoke. Hopefully, they would be respectful of your wishes.

Just a side note, my mother was a smoker until I was a teen. She, unfortunately, had a heart attack. After that, she quit cold turkey. I don't necessarily feel that it has harmed me any more than the CF. I'm 35 and still fairly healthy.

I personally don't know why anybody would want to smoke (I think it smells awful), but I think it is their choice. Fortunately, nobody else in our families smoke. I try to avoid places that have a lot of smoke.

I would hope that your family members would respect your wishes and not smoke around your beautiful little girl (love the pictures). I certainly don't think you would be rude by asking them not to. Good luck!


New member
It's FAR from rude to tell someone to stay away from ANY baby when they are smoking, you'd protect your child from any danger, health or firm and "straight up" about it, if they don't care or listen, stay away from them...

Only an inconsiderate git would smoke near a baby/child/non-smoker, CF or not.

And I smoke, yes, my partner calls me a dickhead every day hehe



New member
I smoked for 22 years and would never have considered smoking near a baby. Remember that it is an addiction that smokers suffer from, most realise this and I feel that they will accomodate you, obviously we don't live in an ideal world so you will have people who will ignore this, my advice is to ignore them.

If you can smell smoke, or anything else for that matter, it is because the smoke particles are entering your airways, so it follows that they don't need to be physically smoking for any harm to be done. As the say, smoke lingers.

We are lucky that here in Scotland there is now a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed pulic places. The health of people in Scotland is considered to be not good, so this measure was brought in to try and brting about a change in our health. It has helped me I didn't give up straight away, it took me some months, infact it was nearer a year for me to give up, you guys on here helped alot.

I can only reiterate what has been said, be firm and polite and if that dosen't work, well be rude.


New member
I smoked for 22 years and would never have considered smoking near a baby. Remember that it is an addiction that smokers suffer from, most realise this and I feel that they will accomodate you, obviously we don't live in an ideal world so you will have people who will ignore this, my advice is to ignore them.

If you can smell smoke, or anything else for that matter, it is because the smoke particles are entering your airways, so it follows that they don't need to be physically smoking for any harm to be done. As the say, smoke lingers.

We are lucky that here in Scotland there is now a complete ban on smoking in all enclosed pulic places. The health of people in Scotland is considered to be not good, so this measure was brought in to try and brting about a change in our health. It has helped me I didn't give up straight away, it took me some months, infact it was nearer a year for me to give up, you guys on here helped alot.

I can only reiterate what has been said, be firm and polite and if that dosen't work, well be rude.


New member
Hey there. Welcome!  Ok so this is something I can relate to
so I'm going to post.<br>
Growing up my parents did everything they could to keep me away
from cig. smoke. When it was unavoidable it didn't seem to bother
me as much as it does now. In HS/early college I was going to clubs
and bars a lot and I always felt really crappy the next
day (eventhough I <i>don't</i> drink). So, now I am with a guy
whose family smokes (BF used to, but quit for me after 10 years of
smoking). DRIVES ME CRAZY. I guess I get sort of offended when I am
over there and they decide to light up next to me. The way I see it
(whether this is what they mean to imply or not) is that if they
are not willing to accomodate my feelings, I won't accommodate
theirs. I make no apologies for getting up and walking away from
them. After all, this isn't something that's just offending to me,
it's my health they are choosing to mess with.  At least they
do not smoke inside their house. Unfortunately, they always
congregate outside and I am the only one left inside most of the
time. I know that if I had a child with CF, and it's extended
family smoked in their houses, I would gradually stop coming until
they either (1) got the point or (2) asked me what was up so I can
tell them how I really need to protect my child. IF at that point
they said they would stop smoking inside the house or around my
child..,then ok.<br>
I just never could understand smoking around babies and children
anyway...PISSES me off when I see it! Parents are (1) supposed to
be setting a good example and if you are choosing to smoke around
kids, even with all the evidence about the health problems
associated with smoking, you are an IDIOT and not setting a good
example...and (2) supposed to protect their children from
harm..<i>.not blow it in their face!   UGGH!!
 </i>Gets me so irritated!<br>
OK, I hope that your family can get the point and realize you need
to protect your child in every way possible. Lotsa Luck! Take care.


New member
I dont really have to tell anyone not to smoke around Cheyenne. She does it before I can get the nerve up to do it. We went with a friend of mine to her sisters house..her hubby got a cigarette out and Cheyenne went over to him...she very politely said "excuse me, but I cant be around that smoke"...I about died. He didnt light up and thought that was very nice of her to let him know.
There are many things that we have to keep her away from and as your little one gets older, you get more seasoned with this disease, you will learn what to avoid and how to do it. It is kind of easy for me because alot of the things that trigger Chey's c/f, bothers me too. I am convincing myself that I have c/f too. It sure would make it easier to get her to do her treatments if she saw mom doing it too.
Your daughter is the most precious thing I have seen. I love the pic of her with her hand in front of her face.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>debs2girls</b></i>

I dont really have to tell anyone not to smoke around Cheyenne. She does it before I can get the nerve up to do it. We went with a friend of mine to her sisters house..her hubby got a cigarette out and Cheyenne went over to him...she very politely said "excuse me, but I cant be around that smoke"...I about died. He didnt light up and thought that was very nice of her to let him know.

There are many things that we have to keep her away from and as your little one gets older, you get more seasoned with this disease, you will learn what to avoid and how to do it. It is kind of easy for me because alot of the things that trigger Chey's c/f, bothers me too. I am convincing myself that I have c/f too. It sure would make it easier to get her to do her treatments if she saw mom doing it too.

Your daughter is the most precious thing I have seen. I love the pic of her with her hand in front of her face.</end quote></div>

A personal testimonial......what better way!


New member
It's odd though....I can go to bars and feel fine unless it is soo smokey. sometimes my friends notice it before i do. BUT i would tell everyone not to smoke around her now, so that they get used to it. If you wait then people might wonder why you had no problem with it earlier.

Also, keep her away from department store cosmetics counters. The perfume there is so so strong! I feel like i am going to suffocate every time i go through one


New member
All babies have delicate lungs. Smoking around babies without CF is not wise. Add CF to the mix. No smoking please.


New member
I would discourage smoking as well. However, from the time I was born, I lived in a household that smoked around me and it stayed that way until I was 17. I lived in cigarette smoke for 17 years!! I am now 27 and the only time I have hospitalized is for hemoptysis and that was well after I moved away from cigarette smoke. I dont really know how I am so healthy despite that other than the fact that I have always made sure I was involved in sports and outdoor activities. I can remember laying in bed as a kid huffing and huffing and struggling to cough and breath because of cigarette smoke. So I know is wasnt good for me, but somehow I made it through and am probably one of the healthiest cfer's you'll find. Good luck with little Zoey. She is adorable!!


Staff member
We were even told not to let DS be around people who smoke -- particles are in people's hair and clothes. I noticed it last month when DH was at a conference and got put in a smoking room the first night. Everything in his luggage smelled like stale smoke, even though he wasn't around smokers.

For the most part, most of our friends and relatives don't smoke. What shocks me is the number of people who light up in front of infants and small children. Last summer I went to an outdoor retirement party and several people just lit up. For the most part, we just avoid places that allow smoking. A few weeks ago we opted out of a wedding dance because it was being held at a VFW. My MIL was a bit miffed we didn't attend and told us "it (smoke) wasn't THAT bad". Sometimes people just don't get it. Think my husband told her that he wasn't going to expose our son to smoke, just because she gets embarrassed. Liza


New member
Your family sjould be considerate of the baby, they are finding more and more that soking and babies, cf or no cf, are not a good thing. Studies have shown that SIDS babies are linked to smoking and that some of the respiratory problems that babies. When my babies where younger I just told my family and my husbands that if they wanted us to visit there would be no soking in the house. I did not care who I upset I felt that if they cared enough about us they would honor our wishes. To this day they still do not smoke around us. I feel that the babies have no choice, they can not get up and leave if the smoke bothers them but we can. Sorry if this is confusing but I feel very strong against smoking and that if WE do not stick up for ourselves and babies that nobody gives a crap about others lungs.