So i'm getting a CAT scan soon


Digital opinion leader
Sean, I must confess that I had a hard time feeling compassion for you in your time of need with the visual image of the described "chain saw death" flashing in my head.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Previously, when I read your comments I pictured you with the gun pointed at your toes, which even though disturbing, is much less so in comparison. Its my problem, I'm working on it.

I'm going with the sinus diagnosis from Donovan. Sinuses can cause sledgehammer headaches. Could they scan the sinuses at the same time? Never thought I'd ever root for sinus problems.

Things just aren't fair. I'm really sorry Sean.


New member
Hi Sean,

My husband suffers from terrible headaches- anyway a new study came out that says headaches/migranes are caused from soy products. Do you consume any soy products?