So this is only half a joke. Crocodiles and you.


New member
Hello friends,
So I was trying to do some sociology and some of the search terms I used are apparently also biology terms, who knew! Anyway I stumbled on scholarly articles talking about proteins in croc blood that are pretty awesome. The best explanation for us normal folks was a article, as is appropriate for this kind of study,This uses some pg-13 language. here is the link its the first heading.

Basically its awesome and I want me some croc blood (just kidding, for now)

Thought a few of you might enjoy this, especially if you need a good laugh or two.

On a more serious note, the applications suggested in the actual articles are amazing and could overcome the whole problem with ou bugs hiding in the mucous lining in our lungs. Cool things are happening in science.



New member
I lawl'd at the pic of the crocs and the exploding cell, lololol.

Really is amazing news tho. I can't wait to see if we can one day cultivate that style of immune system into something we can use!


Okay I got a good laugh. We dont have a lot of Croc's in PA, but I'll see if I can get one or two for my Zombie Apocolypes kit!

Best of Luck
