Social Anxiety Disorder?



A while ago I was diagnosed as having social anxiety disorder ontop of everything else that I have wrong with me. My transplant doctors say that it's probably from all the medications I'm on enhancing the social anxiety that I already have just making it a lot more noticable/worse. They named a specific drug but I'm not 100% sure that I remember it correctly, Prednisone I think it was. That was very fun to find out, but not in the least bit surprising. I was just wondering if anybody else has it, social anxiety disorder I mean.


New member

I too have social anxiety but I so far have been succesful at controlling it without medication.

It sucks<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I do not have CF.


New member
Hmm. I have no experience with that (thankfully), but I believe Predisone is a steriod. Maybe it was Paxil or Paroxetine? Either way, good luck. I am sure that is difficult. Maybe therapy would help?


New member
I think she meant predisone causing the anxiety to be worse.
So this is just great i have that to look forward to.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I take Prednisone every day and when I am sick I take real high doses of it.. On a lower dose I don't notice to many side effects but on the higher dose I notice I am real moody, one minute I am crying the next I want to yell at everyone and the next I am in love with the world.. Prednisone can for sure mess with your emotions and make you more anxious, moody and a whole bunch of other things mentally besides for the physical damage it does to your body....



New member
Hi, I had no idea that prednisone could do that!! I used to take it when I was younger, and I have social anxiety disorder, too. I have since I was about 9 I think. But I didn't take prednisone after I was about I don't know if there would be any possible connection there, but I hope not! I'd be pretty pissed, cause they said I might not have diabetes if it weren't for that prednisone. Hmmm, interesting though. Thanks for sharing! I finally broke down and decided to get help for the anxiet since it has pretty much made my life "sucky", so I should be getting medication for it in a couple weeks after I see the psychiatrist. Maybe I'll bring this up to her; see what she says.