Social Network for CFers


New member
I got an email from my clinic today with a new social networking site
for people with CF.  It's a Facebook style network, which apparently
just launched.  It looks promising, although there aren't many
registered yet.  Check it out <A HREF=""></A>


New member
I got an email from my clinic today with a new social networking site
for people with CF. It's a Facebook style network, which apparently
just launched. It looks promising, although there aren't many
registered yet. Check it out <A HREF=""></A>


New member
I got an email from my clinic today with a new social networking site
for people with CF. It's a Facebook style network, which apparently
just launched. It looks promising, although there aren't many
registered yet. Check it out <A HREF=""></A>


Super Moderator
There is also an existing one right now that seems to be getting more popular. It's also quite similar to Facebook style. It was created by Ronnie Sharpe. He has CF himself. He has very creative ideas! <A HREF=""></A>


Super Moderator
There is also an existing one right now that seems to be getting more popular. It's also quite similar to Facebook style. It was created by Ronnie Sharpe. He has CF himself. He has very creative ideas! <A HREF=""></A>


Super Moderator
There is also an existing one right now that seems to be getting more popular. It's also quite similar to Facebook style. It was created by Ronnie Sharpe. He has CF himself. He has very creative ideas! <A HREF=""></A>