The requirements for children and adults are VERY different. How old is your child?
I'm happy to help point you in the right direction and give you some "tools" that have assisted others with the process, a number of others on here have utilized them, and I learned most of my info from Beth Sufian. She's a wonderful woman. But if I can save someone else the $$$ of going with a lawyer, I will.
The downside is of course the extensive wait time for approval. And most often, you are denied a MINIMUM of two times. The key there is to APPEAL! Whatever you do, DO NOT re-file a new claim. Appeal appeal appeal until you are blue in the face!
Le me know if I can help, my email is
I'm happy to help point you in the right direction and give you some "tools" that have assisted others with the process, a number of others on here have utilized them, and I learned most of my info from Beth Sufian. She's a wonderful woman. But if I can save someone else the $$$ of going with a lawyer, I will.
The downside is of course the extensive wait time for approval. And most often, you are denied a MINIMUM of two times. The key there is to APPEAL! Whatever you do, DO NOT re-file a new claim. Appeal appeal appeal until you are blue in the face!
Le me know if I can help, my email is