Okay. If I have trouble figuring out how to introduce this topic, I can't blame my 7 year old for handling it inappropriately! Lately our CFer has been very gassy and belching rather loudly. It's s frequent problem which I have discussed with his CF doc. Frankly I think we need a visit with a gastroenterologist, but that's another thread. At school, our kiddo has taken to emphasizing his gassiness, out of embarrassment I suspect, and trying to make everyone laugh. It's very disconcerting to the teachers and other children. I have discussed it with him, to no apparent satisfactory resolution. How do you handle this? How can he handle this with the least embarrassment and yet without being disruptive. He becomes absolutely crude and raucous about it. He had to sit out gym class because he was passing gas in teachers faces, making his friends laugh. Surely there are many out there who had this problem in elementary school as well, and hopefully some found a way to deal with it without rudeness and crudeness? Thanks for any suggestions!