Some good news for a change!



Boy oh boy......what a horrible week! My eldest son (w/o cf) got rushed into hospital last Friday morning with acute appendicites (sp). So me and the twins (w cf) spent most of our time there for three days! Not that I wanted to take them there but really didnt have a choice.
Anyway, for the good news. When taking my eldest to see the surgeon for a check up I had some stuff to sort out with the cf clinic. I was then informed that they have got a couple of vests for a trial period and that the twins were top priority to try them. If the boys and I like them then they are getting the funding for the boys to have their own vests! Im so excited, after 12 years of doing about 3 hours of physio a day, constantly bringing it up to Drs at the hospital, and even a couple of cortisone shots in my elbows, lol, somebody actually has listened! Im not sure where they are getting the funding from, at this point Im just glad we can get some, and finally I can get the vest here in Canada!!


New member
Wow! I'm very happy for you. That will really make a difference for both you and them. I hope it goes well (and I'm sure it will)!!!


New member

That is great news! My daughter Samantha has done much better since she started the vest. Hopefully, the it will be the same with the boys.

Maria (mom to Sami, three w/cf)


New member
This is great news Mel--Kaylee has been on the vest for 6 months now, she likes to sing and make up silly-sounding words! I'm glad you're getting the vests.


New member
I am glad you received good news. We are also in Canada and told that the PEP is as effective as the vest. Why haven't you been using that instead of clapping. If nothing else it would have been less strain on your own body (plus it gives the patient more independence)


Hey its me again
Lovemy girl, the boys donearly three hours a day physi and also do pep, in between each spot of physio. They have had to do both because as of the age of 6 years old they have had less then half of their lung function. They are now 12 and have alot of lung damage so the more treatments the better I guess. They also have aspergillus(sp?) growing in their lungs and are allergic to it which causes even more problems. Cant wait to try the vest though, as they are very independant little boys! Hope it helps improve their pfts!


New member
You certainly have your hands full with all that physio. I hope you are able to get help. Good luck with the vest!!!


New member
Congratulations and better elbows for the future. Love your elbows for keeping your children as healthy as possible.