Some help for new mum of Cf 14 month old boy!


Staff member
I always gave ds his adeks while he was on his changing table. Usually in the morning before changing his clothes/diaper and then when we got home he got his second does. I also used oral syringes instead of the medicine dropper because half the time when I first started giving it to him, I'd spill it on the way over.


Staff member
I always gave ds his adeks while he was on his changing table. Usually in the morning before changing his clothes/diaper and then when we got home he got his second does. I also used oral syringes instead of the medicine dropper because half the time when I first started giving it to him, I'd spill it on the way over.


New member
Thank you for the advice, will do so as well, as I always find drops of orange liquid on the floor!!! That dosage dropper is not that good! Visit to CF clinic yesterday went great, Dimi is doing great. The Pt doctor I saw, told me that precussions are not applied anymore and now I am even more confused on that! She told me that now we only apply light pressure on chest, not doing taps, they are obsolete! What is going on your part of the world?Is that true or have they lost it in my country? Where can I find the cups for PT?Anyone knows?
Thank you!


New member
Thank you for the advice, will do so as well, as I always find drops of orange liquid on the floor!!! That dosage dropper is not that good! Visit to CF clinic yesterday went great, Dimi is doing great. The Pt doctor I saw, told me that precussions are not applied anymore and now I am even more confused on that! She told me that now we only apply light pressure on chest, not doing taps, they are obsolete! What is going on your part of the world?Is that true or have they lost it in my country? Where can I find the cups for PT?Anyone knows?
Thank you!
Hi - I just understood about the dropper - I never use tahta also <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I put the liquid on a spoon know - I never used a dropper straight into mouth as I think it not higenic - if the dropper gets licked - thet the whole bottle is licked <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Yes - about the tapping - the newest method is to get the child to do breathing excersises and using equipment such as accapella or flutter - instead of tapping - according to newest reaserch - tapping is not recommened any more - for babies esspecially due to possiblity of reflux - but it all depends on the doctor, on what you inhale and the cf patient and his age. Tapping done too hard can do more damage then help. Just tapping - was done in the 50. The vest is not very popular in EU and is recommended for some patients but a bit older - it all depends on the child and the caregiver - how well she or he are doing the rytine treatments and so on... There are many publications about doing this in Poland and also in Germany - but try out or - if you can get it translated - try out: I could not find it english <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> just one - but I guess you'll find more
Hi - I just understood about the dropper - I never use tahta also <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I put the liquid on a spoon know - I never used a dropper straight into mouth as I think it not higenic - if the dropper gets licked - thet the whole bottle is licked <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Yes - about the tapping - the newest method is to get the child to do breathing excersises and using equipment such as accapella or flutter - instead of tapping - according to newest reaserch - tapping is not recommened any more - for babies esspecially due to possiblity of reflux - but it all depends on the doctor, on what you inhale and the cf patient and his age. Tapping done too hard can do more damage then help. Just tapping - was done in the 50. The vest is not very popular in EU and is recommended for some patients but a bit older - it all depends on the child and the caregiver - how well she or he are doing the rytine treatments and so on... There are many publications about doing this in Poland and also in Germany - but try out or - if you can get it translated - try out: I could not find it english <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> just one - but I guess you'll find more


New member
Thank you Aleksandra! As soon as I'll check them will let you know what I thought! We do aquadeks with syringe, and still managing to spill on floor and clothes!!! As far as PT is concerned I am still doing my research and I try to get him to run around so as to use his lung capacity as much as possible. We'll see!!Take care!

Keep well.


New member
Thank you Aleksandra! As soon as I'll check them will let you know what I thought! We do aquadeks with syringe, and still managing to spill on floor and clothes!!! As far as PT is concerned I am still doing my research and I try to get him to run around so as to use his lung capacity as much as possible. We'll see!!Take care!

Keep well.