someone 2 talk 2


New member
Hello, my name is Tamara and im 16, with cf. I just got out of the hospital about a week ago and it was the first time i had ever been there for over 3 days since i was a baby so it was really frustrating. I only weighed 72 pounds and was 5'1 but now i am 86-88 pounds and i got a g-tube or feeding tube. I am really sad because i cannot go to school and the g tube is easy to see under my clothes, so i have to wear larger shirts untill i get a mickey button for the g tube which will be in about 5-7 weeks. I really like boys alot so this new thing is making me feel sooo self conscious and i really want a boyfriend which my best friend is getting us together, and i really really like him because he is so nice and funny as well as cute. I just want someone to talk to about stuff that knows, which most of you know, what im going through, so please e-mail me or im me@

Thanx!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hello my name is holly i am turning 13 in dec i weigh 51 pounds i do not go to school a lot because it is to much for me i also got a feedingtube it has really helped me i am so glad i got it but yes i do know what u are going threw am i got to go maybe we could talk some time <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> holly


New member
Hi, Tamara. My name is Katie and I am 14 years old with CF. I don't have a feeding tube or anything like that, but one of my CF friends has it (she's 9 and posted on this site a few months ago). If you wanted to talk to me, I'd love it! You can email me (address in profile) if you'd like.


Katie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I totally know how you feel. I'm 22 now, but I got my feeding tube when I was 14...a day after I started my freshman year of high school. I had a lot of body image issues with it and was worried about what boys would think. To be honest...if its the right guy he is not going to care. And once you get the button it is sooooo much easier to hide. As soon as I got the button I invested in these things called clean seal pads. Its a large water proof skin colored band aid. I would put them over the button and no one was the wiser. I like to wear form fitting clothes and this did not stop me at all because you really couldn't see the button. I have since gotten my button removed since I don't need a feeding tube anymore but this was my experience with it.
Double Lung 11.11.04
Hi Tamara! Im VANESSA 20 years old with CF ive been thru alot including going thru school having to worry about what i looked like and the embarrasement of having two huge scars on my tummy from a g-tube and colostamy but now that im older i learned to appreciate myslef and my scars , i used to never want to wear a 2 PIECE SWIMSUIT since people were gonna stare at me but i actually decided to wear one to the beach and i felt better about it! I even got my belly pierced lol i used to say ill never do that i dont want anyone seeing my scars but i did it and now i feel more confident about my scars...Anyways if u ever want to talk my email is Take CAre Tamara !!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
Im Peter From Poole In Dorset, (united Kingdom), Looking for someone who lives in the uk too, also has been to the cystic fibrosis holidays too too whh in london, if so please could u email me on, many thanks pete


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hey mu name is kayla. my best friend has cf...i am doin a report on it for my 8th grade class. if you could give me some information about what u have to do every day and what u go trhough it would b a great help. i hope everything works out. if you could would you please email me. my email adress
thanks again Kayla-13/il


New member
hey tamara... im 16 too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> well...almost (in dec anyways :p) so i just wanted to reply and tell you that you shouldnt worry about your scars/gtube or w/e. i have CF, but no g-tube, however i have these 2 HUGE scars from a surgery i had when i was little. (something like 80 stitches or something...) anyways, there greatt conversation starters. in my experience, your true friends, and guys that are actually cool (and not shallow idiots), think that my scars and experiences are wicked cool. sometimes when im at the pool someone will ask me about the scars and i tell them i got bit by a shark. its awesome b/c they actually believe 2, 6 inch scars are from a shark! anyways, i lead them on for a while, and then tell them its actually from surgery. usually there interested and ask questions which im fine with answering. The jist of it is: be confident! embrace the things that are different about you and educate and engage your friends, they'll find it cool!

hope this helps, and that we stay in touch b/c its good theres someone my age on here! haha, ttyl

- f15 w/Cf


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Hey , Yeah I'm here to talk if you want im is kalsimage so yeah anytime! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
I do not have a g-tube but wondered if it could be concealed by bigger sweatshirts that would blouse over or something? I have a poochy belly so I sometimes wear 2 shirts; a short sleeve shirt with another button up type shirt worn over it (worn open, not buttoned) and I also wear sweatshirts a lot if they are in season, then I feel that my tummy is hidden a little bit. Just a couple of ideas until you get your mickey button.


New member
hi my name is john and i have cf u can ask me or talk to bout cf anytime here is my msn address and my email : please wright me