Something a relative said to me at a wedding -- cried myself to sleep


New member
Take it all in stride, I'm sure he meant no harm, and your reaction is completely normal. I don't have CF my daughter does and that comment would have made me cry. Maybe next be more forthcoming with information. Reply with a hell yeah, I have a great CF team, I'm on top of all my meds, and I'm kicking CF's ass. I rock, because sweetheart you do rock. :)


Thank you everyone, so much, for your kind comments. I really appreciate it! I am usually such a strong CF warrior, it's just every so often even I get a little down :( I will try to take these types of unsolicited comments more in stride, but also really think about being a bit more open with my family about what I'm going through.

I'm sure my second cousin's dad (my mom's first cousin) meant no harm by what he said, only kindness. I only see this guy once every four or five years, so it's a bit jarring when you don't see someone for a long time.

Every day is a fight, and for me the emotional is much harder than the physical. I will keep fighting until my time is up!


New member
I'm 37 and get asked repeatedly if I was really diagnosed with CF. I'm thinking no I just like to do a breathing treatment and vest while sharing a hotel room with 3 moms I'm friends with on moms weekend away. I think this sarcastically.


New member
I so totally get this! My son has CF and spends huge amounts of energy trying to hide it. As he was growing up, we as a family didn't discuss his CF very often, but family and extended family all knew about it. Me, as mom, did not handle it well; it sits in my throat like a hairball. It can come up any time and turn me into a ball of tears. He just got out of the hospital from his 1st time ever "tune-up". He got psychiatric help at hospital ~ a book was recommended for all of us to read. It has helped me and my son.
It is worth a read ~ SOS Help For Emotions Managing Anxiety, Anger & Depression by Lynn Clark, Ph.D
what I thought was mainly for him (16yrs old), helped me a lot too (52 yrs old)! Give it a try, it certainly can't hurt and it gives every day things an honest perspective that we, who are so closely wrapped up in it, cannot always see. Thinking of you!


Thank you Sue! I will definitely check that book out. You're right, it can only help! I am definitely open to new perspectives!


I completely understand how you feel; I Always get angry (on the inside) when I find out that people are actually constantly thinking about my health problems. I don't consider myself 'sick' although I know I am. I consider myself as a normal person, but then suddenly people remind me of my cystic fibrosis, when they ask about my health, or stare at me when I cough...


New member
I think one thing you wanted was a quick reply to sort of dismiss their curiosity and lack of knowledge and skill. I would say. "I am glad I am so healthy as well, especially since they now have a cure for some of the types."