Son going off to college!


New member
I also lived away from home for 4 years in college. I did the typical college scene, parties hard and paid the price for it. It actually helped me fall as bad as I did because I learned from it and got better. The deal with CF is, sometimes you have to get really sick to realize what can happen. As long as he knows all his medicines routines he should be fine. If he chooses not to do his medicine, there is nothing you can do but watch as hard as it is.

I really think that being so stupid in college was good for me. It taught me how to be serious and to treat this disease better


New member
Dear Caitlin

Thanks so much for the advice. It really did help. I know he's going to spread those wings! That's what I'm afraid of. LOL! I still remember those days. I just didn't go to college to do it. Unfortunately I was a high school drop out. Had to learn the hard way. Now, 45 yrs. old and yes, I'm in college. One more quarter to go. What do you think about I just wait and go with him? Just teasing! I want so much for him as we all do for our kids.

Again, thank you. I will also talk with him about this site.



New member
Dear Caitlin

Thanks so much for the advice. It really did help. I know he's going to spread those wings! That's what I'm afraid of. LOL! I still remember those days. I just didn't go to college to do it. Unfortunately I was a high school drop out. Had to learn the hard way. Now, 45 yrs. old and yes, I'm in college. One more quarter to go. What do you think about I just wait and go with him? Just teasing! I want so much for him as we all do for our kids.

Again, thank you. I will also talk with him about this site.



New member
Dear Caitlin

Thanks so much for the advice. It really did help. I know he's going to spread those wings! That's what I'm afraid of. LOL! I still remember those days. I just didn't go to college to do it. Unfortunately I was a high school drop out. Had to learn the hard way. Now, 45 yrs. old and yes, I'm in college. One more quarter to go. What do you think about I just wait and go with him? Just teasing! I want so much for him as we all do for our kids.

Again, thank you. I will also talk with him about this site.
