Son had abnormal Newborn test.. Please Read


New member
My son was born 10/28/2010 I got a call from his dr last week saying that he needs to go and have a sweat test done.. I have it scheduled but they cannot get me in any sooner than 12/06/10.. I have been worrying myself to death and read about every artice I could find about CF online... I just have a few questions I dont know if any of you could actually answer them, but anything that you could tell me would be of some comfort... I have been looking for any kind of symtoms that would make me question if he has it.. Here is what I have determined.. I kissed him forehead and even licked it.. didnt taste salty at all to me.. also did his arms and stomach.. still didnt notice anything.. but when I got to his feet I did notice an awful salty taste.. I also notice he has not been having regualr bowel movements.. I think once or twice when I brought him home they were find and firm.. now I see he has had two that have been very loose.. Did notice some what of a smell to them but cannot really say it was a bad smell or not.. he coughs at times but doesnt seem to be very constant.. I dont notice any weezing but I do notice that when he is resting and I am holding him when he breaths sometimes they seem very short and rapid but it doesnt happen all of the time.. I was just wondering if they sounds like he has a high possibility of having CF.. do these sound like symtoms associated with CF.. I hate this waiting game I think its acutally worse than if I found out he has it... Id rather know already and get the information I need rather than feeling like im left in the dark...

Well, I do appreciate all who will read this and the feedback will help to ease my mind.. thanks so much again

Vikki Meade


New member
My son was born 10/28/2010 I got a call from his dr last week saying that he needs to go and have a sweat test done.. I have it scheduled but they cannot get me in any sooner than 12/06/10.. I have been worrying myself to death and read about every artice I could find about CF online... I just have a few questions I dont know if any of you could actually answer them, but anything that you could tell me would be of some comfort... I have been looking for any kind of symtoms that would make me question if he has it.. Here is what I have determined.. I kissed him forehead and even licked it.. didnt taste salty at all to me.. also did his arms and stomach.. still didnt notice anything.. but when I got to his feet I did notice an awful salty taste.. I also notice he has not been having regualr bowel movements.. I think once or twice when I brought him home they were find and firm.. now I see he has had two that have been very loose.. Did notice some what of a smell to them but cannot really say it was a bad smell or not.. he coughs at times but doesnt seem to be very constant.. I dont notice any weezing but I do notice that when he is resting and I am holding him when he breaths sometimes they seem very short and rapid but it doesnt happen all of the time.. I was just wondering if they sounds like he has a high possibility of having CF.. do these sound like symtoms associated with CF.. I hate this waiting game I think its acutally worse than if I found out he has it... Id rather know already and get the information I need rather than feeling like im left in the dark...

Well, I do appreciate all who will read this and the feedback will help to ease my mind.. thanks so much again

Vikki Meade


New member
My son was born 10/28/2010 I got a call from his dr last week saying that he needs to go and have a sweat test done.. I have it scheduled but they cannot get me in any sooner than 12/06/10.. I have been worrying myself to death and read about every artice I could find about CF online... I just have a few questions I dont know if any of you could actually answer them, but anything that you could tell me would be of some comfort... I have been looking for any kind of symtoms that would make me question if he has it.. Here is what I have determined.. I kissed him forehead and even licked it.. didnt taste salty at all to me.. also did his arms and stomach.. still didnt notice anything.. but when I got to his feet I did notice an awful salty taste.. I also notice he has not been having regualr bowel movements.. I think once or twice when I brought him home they were find and firm.. now I see he has had two that have been very loose.. Did notice some what of a smell to them but cannot really say it was a bad smell or not.. he coughs at times but doesnt seem to be very constant.. I dont notice any weezing but I do notice that when he is resting and I am holding him when he breaths sometimes they seem very short and rapid but it doesnt happen all of the time.. I was just wondering if they sounds like he has a high possibility of having CF.. do these sound like symtoms associated with CF.. I hate this waiting game I think its acutally worse than if I found out he has it... Id rather know already and get the information I need rather than feeling like im left in the dark...
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<br />Well, I do appreciate all who will read this and the feedback will help to ease my mind.. thanks so much again
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<br />Vikki Meade


New member
Hello, did you find out yet whether or not your son has cf? Based on your post I would say he might test positive for cf. The waiting game was hard for me too, plus I was 9 months pregnant with my third child when my 11 month old daughter was diagnosed...if I could,ve gotten away with having a breakdown Id have done that but of course Moms cant do that heehee. I hope all is well for you and your family God bless!


New member
Hello, did you find out yet whether or not your son has cf? Based on your post I would say he might test positive for cf. The waiting game was hard for me too, plus I was 9 months pregnant with my third child when my 11 month old daughter was diagnosed...if I could,ve gotten away with having a breakdown Id have done that but of course Moms cant do that heehee. I hope all is well for you and your family God bless!


New member
Hello, did you find out yet whether or not your son has cf? Based on your post I would say he might test positive for cf. The waiting game was hard for me too, plus I was 9 months pregnant with my third child when my 11 month old daughter was diagnosed...if I could,ve gotten away with having a breakdown Id have done that but of course Moms cant do that heehee. I hope all is well for you and your family God bless!