Sorry ahead of time


New member
My kid ate stuck his hand in his diaper and then his mouth today. I know this is disgusting, but I'm worried that besides the usual a kid with CF who ate his own poop may have more to be worried about because of bacteria. I took my eyes off of him for a few minutes and now I'm scared something could happen to him. Has this ever happened to anyone and do you know the consequences?


New member
My kid ate stuck his hand in his diaper and then his mouth today. I know this is disgusting, but I'm worried that besides the usual a kid with CF who ate his own poop may have more to be worried about because of bacteria. I took my eyes off of him for a few minutes and now I'm scared something could happen to him. Has this ever happened to anyone and do you know the consequences?


New member
My kid ate stuck his hand in his diaper and then his mouth today. I know this is disgusting, but I'm worried that besides the usual a kid with CF who ate his own poop may have more to be worried about because of bacteria. I took my eyes off of him for a few minutes and now I'm scared something could happen to him. Has this ever happened to anyone and do you know the consequences?


Staff member
My son ate gum at the playground. That's the extent of the nasties he's eaten. While it's disgusting, wasn't much I could do after the fact other than monitor him and WORRY. If I'd witnessed it, I probably would've tried to wash out his mouth with something.

I did have a niece who painted the playpen and the wall at our house years ago. And I pretty much powerwashed and bleached the playpen. Threw her in the tub.

I would contact your doctor and explain what happened. Also, a friend of mine's son who has CF and other issues indicated that her son suffered from pica (?) and would eat dirt, paper and other things prior to his diagnosis due to low vitamin levels and malnutrition.


Staff member
My son ate gum at the playground. That's the extent of the nasties he's eaten. While it's disgusting, wasn't much I could do after the fact other than monitor him and WORRY. If I'd witnessed it, I probably would've tried to wash out his mouth with something.

I did have a niece who painted the playpen and the wall at our house years ago. And I pretty much powerwashed and bleached the playpen. Threw her in the tub.

I would contact your doctor and explain what happened. Also, a friend of mine's son who has CF and other issues indicated that her son suffered from pica (?) and would eat dirt, paper and other things prior to his diagnosis due to low vitamin levels and malnutrition.


Staff member
My son ate gum at the playground. That's the extent of the nasties he's eaten. While it's disgusting, wasn't much I could do after the fact other than monitor him and WORRY. If I'd witnessed it, I probably would've tried to wash out his mouth with something.
<br />
<br />I did have a niece who painted the playpen and the wall at our house years ago. And I pretty much powerwashed and bleached the playpen. Threw her in the tub.
<br />
<br />I would contact your doctor and explain what happened. Also, a friend of mine's son who has CF and other issues indicated that her son suffered from pica (?) and would eat dirt, paper and other things prior to his diagnosis due to low vitamin levels and malnutrition.


New member
e.coli is normal flora in feces, but causes food posioning if injested, so I would think the worst that would happen is tossing his cookies and being under the weather for a few days. A cfers immune system is already on hyperdrive and if he's on zithro for inflamation that should work to fend off anything that could be in there. Any viruses that could be in feces would be dead so bacteria is your only worry. Call the doc let them know what happened but I would say other than that just keep an eye on him.


New member
e.coli is normal flora in feces, but causes food posioning if injested, so I would think the worst that would happen is tossing his cookies and being under the weather for a few days. A cfers immune system is already on hyperdrive and if he's on zithro for inflamation that should work to fend off anything that could be in there. Any viruses that could be in feces would be dead so bacteria is your only worry. Call the doc let them know what happened but I would say other than that just keep an eye on him.


New member
e.coli is normal flora in feces, but causes food posioning if injested, so I would think the worst that would happen is tossing his cookies and being under the weather for a few days. A cfers immune system is already on hyperdrive and if he's on zithro for inflamation that should work to fend off anything that could be in there. Any viruses that could be in feces would be dead so bacteria is your only worry. Call the doc let them know what happened but I would say other than that just keep an eye on him.


Your son will not get sick from eating his own poop - the bacterial strains in his intestines will not harm him. Only the pathogenic strains of E. coli will harm someone and he's not going to get that from eating his own poop. Now someone else's poop might be a different story.

I'm sure we as a human race have ingested poop for millenia and we are still around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And I'm sure it is done a lot more than we realize (non washed hands after using the restroom for example).

Don't worry <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He will be fine


Your son will not get sick from eating his own poop - the bacterial strains in his intestines will not harm him. Only the pathogenic strains of E. coli will harm someone and he's not going to get that from eating his own poop. Now someone else's poop might be a different story.

I'm sure we as a human race have ingested poop for millenia and we are still around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And I'm sure it is done a lot more than we realize (non washed hands after using the restroom for example).

Don't worry <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He will be fine


Your son will not get sick from eating his own poop - the bacterial strains in his intestines will not harm him. Only the pathogenic strains of E. coli will harm someone and he's not going to get that from eating his own poop. Now someone else's poop might be a different story.
<br />
<br />I'm sure we as a human race have ingested poop for millenia and we are still around <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And I'm sure it is done a lot more than we realize (non washed hands after using the restroom for example).
<br />
<br />Don't worry <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He will be fine