Sorta OT -- Chapped Lips


Staff member
I'm not a fan of hand lotion, nor do I like using chapstick or flavored lip gloss. Lately DS has been licking his lower lip and below and it tends to get a little chapped -- raw and crusty. And when I tell him not to do it, he says it feels better "see mommy, I'm FIXING it".

I've tried using Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss, Body Shop Lip butter -- but seems as if he just licks it off. Any suggestions? I seem to recall my sister had a similar problem when she was a child and my folks would sneak in at night while she was sleeping and apply blistex lip ointment...


Staff member
I'm not a fan of hand lotion, nor do I like using chapstick or flavored lip gloss. Lately DS has been licking his lower lip and below and it tends to get a little chapped -- raw and crusty. And when I tell him not to do it, he says it feels better "see mommy, I'm FIXING it".

I've tried using Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss, Body Shop Lip butter -- but seems as if he just licks it off. Any suggestions? I seem to recall my sister had a similar problem when she was a child and my folks would sneak in at night while she was sleeping and apply blistex lip ointment...


Staff member
I'm not a fan of hand lotion, nor do I like using chapstick or flavored lip gloss. Lately DS has been licking his lower lip and below and it tends to get a little chapped -- raw and crusty. And when I tell him not to do it, he says it feels better "see mommy, I'm FIXING it".

I've tried using Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss, Body Shop Lip butter -- but seems as if he just licks it off. Any suggestions? I seem to recall my sister had a similar problem when she was a child and my folks would sneak in at night while she was sleeping and apply blistex lip ointment...


Staff member
I'm not a fan of hand lotion, nor do I like using chapstick or flavored lip gloss. Lately DS has been licking his lower lip and below and it tends to get a little chapped -- raw and crusty. And when I tell him not to do it, he says it feels better "see mommy, I'm FIXING it".

I've tried using Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss, Body Shop Lip butter -- but seems as if he just licks it off. Any suggestions? I seem to recall my sister had a similar problem when she was a child and my folks would sneak in at night while she was sleeping and apply blistex lip ointment...


Staff member
I'm not a fan of hand lotion, nor do I like using chapstick or flavored lip gloss. Lately DS has been licking his lower lip and below and it tends to get a little chapped -- raw and crusty. And when I tell him not to do it, he says it feels better "see mommy, I'm FIXING it".

I've tried using Bonnie Bell Lip Gloss, Body Shop Lip butter -- but seems as if he just licks it off. Any suggestions? I seem to recall my sister had a similar problem when she was a child and my folks would sneak in at night while she was sleeping and apply blistex lip ointment...


Super Moderator
My son would do the same thing, kept licking his lips. I used to sneak in his room after bed and put Vaseline on his lips and the chapped spots, that way he couldn't lick it off and it would feel better in the morning. Now he's old enough to have his own Vaseline chapstick in his backpack and will put it on himself. He also used to get chapped hands from the cold and I would lather him up with lotion at night, too. Hmmm, maybe I should be doing this for myself before I go to bed.


Super Moderator
My son would do the same thing, kept licking his lips. I used to sneak in his room after bed and put Vaseline on his lips and the chapped spots, that way he couldn't lick it off and it would feel better in the morning. Now he's old enough to have his own Vaseline chapstick in his backpack and will put it on himself. He also used to get chapped hands from the cold and I would lather him up with lotion at night, too. Hmmm, maybe I should be doing this for myself before I go to bed.


Super Moderator
My son would do the same thing, kept licking his lips. I used to sneak in his room after bed and put Vaseline on his lips and the chapped spots, that way he couldn't lick it off and it would feel better in the morning. Now he's old enough to have his own Vaseline chapstick in his backpack and will put it on himself. He also used to get chapped hands from the cold and I would lather him up with lotion at night, too. Hmmm, maybe I should be doing this for myself before I go to bed.


Super Moderator
My son would do the same thing, kept licking his lips. I used to sneak in his room after bed and put Vaseline on his lips and the chapped spots, that way he couldn't lick it off and it would feel better in the morning. Now he's old enough to have his own Vaseline chapstick in his backpack and will put it on himself. He also used to get chapped hands from the cold and I would lather him up with lotion at night, too. Hmmm, maybe I should be doing this for myself before I go to bed.


Super Moderator
My son would do the same thing, kept licking his lips. I used to sneak in his room after bed and put Vaseline on his lips and the chapped spots, that way he couldn't lick it off and it would feel better in the morning. Now he's old enough to have his own Vaseline chapstick in his backpack and will put it on himself. He also used to get chapped hands from the cold and I would lather him up with lotion at night, too. Hmmm, maybe I should be doing this for myself before I go to bed.


New member
My 6 yr old has the same problem. chronic chapped lips. I also sneak in and put vaseline on his lips at night. During the day we use Carmex. It's real thick.


New member
My 6 yr old has the same problem. chronic chapped lips. I also sneak in and put vaseline on his lips at night. During the day we use Carmex. It's real thick.


New member
My 6 yr old has the same problem. chronic chapped lips. I also sneak in and put vaseline on his lips at night. During the day we use Carmex. It's real thick.


New member
My 6 yr old has the same problem. chronic chapped lips. I also sneak in and put vaseline on his lips at night. During the day we use Carmex. It's real thick.


New member
My 6 yr old has the same problem. chronic chapped lips. I also sneak in and put vaseline on his lips at night. During the day we use Carmex. It's real thick.


i use a chap stick made by chap stick and it's medicated. the first time i used it it does have a strong smell of almost like vicks, but it does work well. i don't use any other chap stick anymore, i guess i feel like it doesn't work as well for me.


i use a chap stick made by chap stick and it's medicated. the first time i used it it does have a strong smell of almost like vicks, but it does work well. i don't use any other chap stick anymore, i guess i feel like it doesn't work as well for me.


i use a chap stick made by chap stick and it's medicated. the first time i used it it does have a strong smell of almost like vicks, but it does work well. i don't use any other chap stick anymore, i guess i feel like it doesn't work as well for me.


i use a chap stick made by chap stick and it's medicated. the first time i used it it does have a strong smell of almost like vicks, but it does work well. i don't use any other chap stick anymore, i guess i feel like it doesn't work as well for me.


i use a chap stick made by chap stick and it's medicated. the first time i used it it does have a strong smell of almost like vicks, but it does work well. i don't use any other chap stick anymore, i guess i feel like it doesn't work as well for me.