Specific Carbohydrate diet


New member
Has any CFer here tried the specific carbohydrate diet? I've been on it a week now and it is definitely helping my digestion and mucus production problems. I'm wondering what your experiences have been like? At least one other person must have tried it, as it is targeted at treating diseases involving poor digestion like ours. Thanks.


New member
I am also very interested! A close friend with significant digestive issues (non CFer) including IBS, bleeding, weight loss, etc, adopted this diet and has seen significant, compelling and lasting results. She asked me if I had ever heard of this diet and thought it might help my kids with CF. I rarely get support in my family for making this kind of wholesale change in diet, so would love to hear from you all too. I did a little research and it has been around since the 90's. You basically cut out all refined sugars and all grains but can't remember the rest.