Not to be too mean but I'm gonna chime in on the hard side here. CF isn't something you can ignore and think you beat it, no matter how well you were doing before if you do nothing to take care of yourself you'll end up getting taken out by it a lot sooner than you should. I feel I can say this because I use to be like you too. I didn't completely ignore my meds tho, I lived my life with CF as a part of it, not controlling it and I did what meds I had to to get by and feel pretty good. I've always been an athlete and at the height of it all I was playing college ice hockey and on the ice 4-6 days a week, but I got one bad infection and that changed literally in a months time. Now just three years later I am officially waiting for a lung transplant and fighting off my first ever round of pneumonia. I never thought I would have to go through a transplant this young, I thought I'd live forever and be able to be as active as I always was. Well let me tell you its a rude awakening when you going from being super active to not being able to do laundry or taking a shower without needing oxygen. So what I'd say is get it in gear if you really want to get back to what you love. Take every med and treatment your docs can suggest and run with it, do everything in your power to fight because like someone said above that's not giving in that's fighting to make your life what you want regardless of what this stupid disease has in store for you. That being said I hope you'll really think about what I had to say and that you can start doing the things you need to and feel better and get back out on that wakeboard!! I also recommend reading "The Seven Letters that Saved my Life" by Dottie Lessard, its made me focus on doing everything so I can get back to hockey after my transplant.