sputum culture


New member
Has anyone heard of Alcaligenes? I just got a sputum culture back and it says I grew this along with my usual staph infection. It says it's rare and my primary care doc says he's never seen it before. cfNana


New member
From Dorland's Medical Encyclopedia:
Alcaligenes (Al·ca·lig·e·nes) (al²k[schwa]-lij¢[schwa]-n[emacr]z) [Arabic al-qualy potash + Gr. gennan to produce] a widespread genus of gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, alkaline-producing bacteria of uncertain affiliation, found in the intestines of vertebrates and as part of the normal skin flora, and occasionally the cause of opportunistic infections.
Alcaligenes denitri¢ficans, a species isolated from a variety of clinical specimens.
Alcaligenes faeca¢lis, a species isolated from hospital environments and from blood, sputum, and urine specimens. It is a cause of nosocomial
septicemia in immunocompromised patients, generally arising from contaminated hemodialysis or intravenous fluids. Called also A. odorans and
Bacterium faecalis alcaligenes.

The last one says it could be from contaminated hospital IV fluids!
Probably temporary if it is the last one.


New member
Here is an little blip on some meds they've tried on the alcaligenes, b cepacia and a couple of other bugs
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://aac.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/46/4/1105
There's not a whole lot of info on the condition itself, but you may try these combinations of drugs to combat it???


New member
I also grow this. They are not sure if this contributes to lung infections. My doctor does, however, target alcalgenese with antibiotics when I need them. A sputum culture will tell you which antibiotic is senstive to this bug.

30 with CF


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.


I just got gave a culture that tested positive for alcaligenes. I attend an adult cf center that is across the street from the local children's hospital. The doctor asked how long it had been since I had been a patient at the children's hospital. I told him that I had not been there in 4 or 5 years for an in house stay. The doctor said that this form of alcaligenes was called the Cincinnati strain. Apparently it had come over from the children's hospital. They are not sure how.

I started thinking about it and realized that there are a number of ways I could've been exposed to it. For one, I could've had it for years and they just never found it. Another possibility is that I could have gotten it when doing a drug study over there this summer. I also use the children's home care group. I also see a therapist still at the children's hospital. So I could have been infected any number of ways. Although I no longer have any friends with cf that I associate with. I stopped doing that years ago, for this very reason.

The doctor said that I shouldn't worry too much because these bugs affect everyone differently. So I am trying to remain positive about this. It is good to hear that I am not the only one.