Sputum question for everyone


New member
What is *normal* for you in regard to daily amount and color of sputum when you are not "sick"?  I cough up a fair amount everyday and it is usually always greenish...sometimes lighter sometimes dark.  At times I am just like "alright...enough already!!!" ;-)<br><br>Jen 41 w/cf, mom of 4 (1 w/cf)<br>


New member
What is *normal* for you in regard to daily amount and color of sputum when you are not "sick"? I cough up a fair amount everyday and it is usually always greenish...sometimes lighter sometimes dark. At times I am just like "alright...enough already!!!" ;-)<br><br>Jen 41 w/cf, mom of 4 (1 w/cf)<br>


New member
What is *normal* for you in regard to daily amount and color of sputum when you are not "sick"? I cough up a fair amount everyday and it is usually always greenish...sometimes lighter sometimes dark. At times I am just like "alright...enough already!!!" ;-)<br><br>Jen 41 w/cf, mom of 4 (1 w/cf)<br>


<P>Jenmy usual, norm since  last  year or so is way too much, sometimes all day production....always green, abx cant seem to suprress bacteria anymore...horribly fatigued....absolutely enough already is rite....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</P>
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<P>taking NAC since sept 14.....1500mg daily no difference....different rotating oral abx , inhaled abx, IVs...just cant seem to get back to a comfortable Norm....</P>
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<P>always used to rebound after a flare up, but seem to be living a constant flare up that wont end....</P>
<P>whens the last time you had Iv abx...? do they  still decrease the amount of sputum you produce? </P>
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<P>Jenmy usual, norm since last year or so is way too much, sometimes all day production....always green, abx cant seem to suprress bacteria anymore...horribly fatigued....absolutely enough already is rite....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</P>
<P>taking NAC since sept 14.....1500mg daily no difference....different rotating oral abx, inhaled abx, IVs...just cant seem to get back to a comfortable Norm....</P>
<P>always used to rebound after a flare up, but seem to be living a constant flare up that wont end....</P>
<P>whens the last time you had Iv abx...?do they stilldecrease the amount of sputum you produce?</P>


<P>Jen<BR>my usual, norm since last year or so is way too much, sometimes all day production....always green, abx cant seem to suprress bacteria anymore...horribly fatigued....absolutely enough already is rite....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</P>
<P>taking NAC since sept 14.....1500mg daily no difference....different rotating oral abx, inhaled abx, IVs...just cant seem to get back to a comfortable Norm....</P>
<P>always used to rebound after a flare up, but seem to be living a constant flare up that wont end....</P>
<P>whens the last time you had Iv abx...?do they stilldecrease the amount of sputum you produce?</P>


Mine changes it was army colored green for a long time, then it went to beige/browinsh sometimes it is pinkish and then the good days yellow. It flows the best when I have laughter, the vest does not make me have better clearance, but I use it cause I shd. Pulmoyzme helps it stay thin to clear better. But for the most part I think to myself wouldn't it be nice not to have so much junk to clear. Pat-56/CF


Mine changes it was army colored green for a long time, then it went to beige/browinsh sometimes it is pinkish and then the good days yellow. It flows the best when I have laughter, the vest does not make me have better clearance, but I use it cause I shd. Pulmoyzme helps it stay thin to clear better. But for the most part I think to myself wouldn't it be nice not to have so much junk to clear. Pat-56/CF


Mine changes it was army colored green for a long time, then it went to beige/browinsh sometimes it is pinkish and then the good days yellow. It flows the best when I have laughter, the vest does not make me have better clearance, but I use it cause I shd. Pulmoyzme helps it stay thin to clear better. But for the most part I think to myself wouldn't it be nice not to have so much junk to clear. Pat-56/CF


normal chest: clear or white or yellow sputum on and off all day, not huge amounts, and often with what I call "angel-hair pasta" consistency--a blob with strings (DOES ANYONE ELSE GET STRINGS?). Biggest amounts when I lie down for the night.

normal sinus: large blob of same colors as above sliding or being "snorked" down back of throat every couple hours... more often when I have my head tilted back.

sick chest: green and gray and much more of it, shading into rusty orange when I'm sickest.

sick sinus: ditto plus red


normal chest: clear or white or yellow sputum on and off all day, not huge amounts, and often with what I call "angel-hair pasta" consistency--a blob with strings (DOES ANYONE ELSE GET STRINGS?). Biggest amounts when I lie down for the night.

normal sinus: large blob of same colors as above sliding or being "snorked" down back of throat every couple hours... more often when I have my head tilted back.

sick chest: green and gray and much more of it, shading into rusty orange when I'm sickest.

sick sinus: ditto plus red


normal chest: clear or white or yellow sputum on and off all day, not huge amounts, and often with what I call "angel-hair pasta" consistency--a blob with strings (DOES ANYONE ELSE GET STRINGS?). Biggest amounts when I lie down for the night.
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<br />normal sinus: large blob of same colors as above sliding or being "snorked" down back of throat every couple hours... more often when I have my head tilted back.
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<br />sick chest: green and gray and much more of it, shading into rusty orange when I'm sickest.
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<br />sick sinus: ditto plus red
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<P>absolutely green means infection, even when tobramycin i v worked for me, (years ago), i never would have white or clear, it would be a lite green but the amount was greatly reduced to none for few weeks  then slowly increased.</P>
<P>thats why Id like to try that MMS, since IV abx just don t work like they used to, but worried about kidneys and liver as Iv s are starting to take a toll on them ..... but im pretty desperate so if I can find it , I would take it....but 2 health food stores who have everything in stock dont have it, never heard of it....</P>
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<P>absolutely green means infection, even when tobramycin i v worked for me, (years ago), i never would have white or clear, it would be a lite green but the amountwas greatly reduced to none for few weeks then slowly increased.</P>
<P>thats why Id like to try that MMS, sinceIV abxjust don t work like they used to,but worried about kidneys and liveras Iv s are starting to take a toll on them ..... but im pretty desperate so if I can find it , I would take it....but 2 health food stores who have everything in stock dont have it, never heard of it....</P>