SSDI re-evaluation and Kalydeco


New member
I've been on Social Security Disability Income since July 2008. If I remember correctly, when they awarded me benefits they said my case would be reviewed in 3 years. Anyone know from experience should I be expectinga notice of a case evaluation this month or do you think that was just a formality in the award's letter to say that?
I'm not worried about it since I spoke with Beth Sufian shortly after starting Kalydeco clinical trial and she said as long as the drug didn't make it so I don't need inhaled antibiotics prophylactically then I should be set to remain on SSDI. Sadly, I not only require inhaled abx but I cycle b/w 2 each month. I have also required IV abx twice in the last 12 months.


New member
They will send you a packet that you and your doctor needs to fill out, it isn't nearly as detailed as when you first apply, you need only go back a year and list all appointments with your doctors, hospitalizations, IV treatment (home care) etc. They also were late with mine, my first "3"year eval was done at nearly 4 years into benefits. I have been receiving SSDI benefits since 2003. When it came time for my next 3 year review, they sent a letter simply stating that since there have been no positive changes in my health, that I need not submit the packet which was fine by me!

Anyhow, you should be receiving your packet anytime now.

Jenn 40 wCF


New member
Yep, fun paperwork... if you are really worried about it you can call them and ask about it.
For some reason they did mine over the phone and they guy gave me the same answer Just Ducky got.